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pinksalamander wrote:
Doesn't pineapple help with digestion? Or am i imagining that?
it is actually a myth that pineapple and papaya help with digestion. the idea was that the enzymes in these fruit break down hair in the digestive tract, which would be good for stasis caused by getting fur in the intestines. they actually don't do anything. it's good to get rabbits eating and drinking whenever they have stasis, though, and most bunnies LOVE the tastes of pineapple and papaya, so it's never bad to give them to them!:biggrin2: pinepapple juice also has carbs which can help the rabbit get some energy and water at the same time.

and slavetoabunny, i don't know...:? given the situation, i'd think that you should try to get him to eat anything you can, whether vegetable or pellet. it sounds like Chocoteddy0 can't find "normal" pellets. However, I've never raised baby bunnies and this is just from my intuition that getting anything in there is better than nothing. Others with more experience are more than welcome to correct me!!

I have seen wild bunnies in the backyard that looked to be no more than 3-4 weeks old eating greens (i even picked some dandelion greens and put them near their nest and they ate them!!:biggrin2:). I dunno though...:dunno:huh
Good luck with your little Sugar, Chocoteddy! There's lots of good advice among these people here.

FYI I answered Chocoteddy's post with suggestions as to how I found a vet here in Xi'an. I'm hoping that a bigger city like Shanghai will have a rabbit-savvy vet that can help her. Keep in mind, though, that Shanghai is huge! I found it hard to get around the several times I've been there.
Pet_bunny - Yes made for rabbits, got them with the rabbit at the park. Ingredients INCLUDE (not all some my mum doesn't understand): egg yolk, sweetcorn, vitamins, fish powder, oats. The packet is about the same size as my rabbit, or my hand.

We don't have a yard, but we can get as much as we like from the grass outside our building. I doubt there are dandelions. :(

Wabbitmom12 - thanks for the advice, its just that its SO expensive for not much hay at our local petsmart! I could buy like enough salad to feed the rabbit for a year with the same money! i will buy hay anyway. afterall, the most important thing is the rabbit, not me being chocolate-less for two months.

Yeah, I dunno whether veggies are good for it, but he likes them and basically right now before I feed him something I think "would they eat this in the wild?" which is not the best way to go about things, i know, but it seems to have worked so far. cos rabbits DO eat veggies. Thats why I think grass is better than hay, too, cos rabbits dont really eat hay in the wild, i dont think. or do they have some way of drying grass, lol.

I'm gonna try this vet my friend went to. She said its really good...but then again her dog died after 2 weeks, so maybe not so good....

Yeah, ChinaBun, Shanghai is pretty big but I'm hoping that will be a good thing - maybe it means more vets.

Update on food: When I was at school, he seemed to have eaten a ton of pellets, very little veggie, lots of carrot treats and a big slice of apple...plus tons of grass. When I came back I hand fed him some more lettuce. Also, he doesn't seem to drink much. But I dunno, there was no water gone from the waterbowls, but quite a bit gone from the trays that catch the dripping water from my hanging plants. (If you're confused about the hanging plants, know this: he lives in the balcony in my room. its spacy and nice for him. and no, he can't fall, no matter how high he can jump. the balcony is glassed in. ther is abig cardboard box for shelter from sun.)

Update on poo: Quite a bit. In/on his box, cage, balcony, floor, my stuff, my clothes, me.
Oh, good news about the poo. The little guy probably just needed to get settled in abit! And, youdo know why he poos on you, right? It's his way of saying, "Mine! Mine! Mine!". So he likes you a lot. Don't you feel loved? LOL. (One of my buns did that to me CONSTANTLY. It was one of his more "endearing" qualities. ;))

One last comment on hay...you can actually order it online. Strange, right?! I have no idea about international shipping, but there are tons of sites, so at some point you might want to check it out. Even in the States, it's a lot cheaper, ounce per ounce, to order a quantity on line than it is to buy bags at the pet store.

Sugar IS such a lucky little bun to have you looking after him. You're doing a great job!!

Looking forward to seeing more of you and Sugar on RO! :big wink:

Yeah, the poooping-on-me-thing is very...er....*cough*

Anyway, I'll see the prices for ordering online..there are only two problems I can see with that -

*It takes ages to ship and my bunny STARVES!! (ok ok it'll have grass but still)

*The shipping could be more expensive than the actual hay! But I can probably order from in asia.
Chocoteddy, my rabbit was a vegetable-only rabbit. She never had hay or pellets. True, she died when she was 2 1/2, but I don't think this was related to her diet. She would get a 1/8th slice of apple occasionally as a treat, or an inch of banana, but besides these rare treats, she feasted on cabbage, carrots (but about two inches a day, or she would get a stomach ache), eggplant, cucumbers and all kinds of green leafy vegetables. I would go shopping for her every two days, and put the leftovers in the refrigerator for the next day.

She seldom drank water because she got water from the fresh vegetables. Actually, the only time she drank water was after she had recovered from a stomach ache from too much carrot or apple or banana. I learned the hard way that I had to limit these foods for her.

I'm not telling you what to do, but just sharing my experience.

And I used inches instead of centemeters because it sounds like you are an American living in Shanghai with your family.
Thanks for the advice, but I heard banana was extremely fattening? And that carrot is much too sweet to eat, and cabbage and cucumber are too watery? Maybe wrong.

You know its wierd, we consider apples healthy food, but for rabbits they are like junk food!!
Chocoteddy0 wrote:
Thanks for the advice, but I heard banana was extremely fattening? And that carrot is much too sweet to eat, and cabbage and cucumber are too watery? Maybe wrong.

You know its wierd, we consider apples healthy food, but for rabbits they are like junk food!!
You are right...fruits do have to be limited, because they are fattening, AND because too many sugary foods or treatscan upset the balance of good/bad bacteria in the bun'sdigestive system. The rabbit's body doesn't distinguish much between "natural" (fruit) sugar and the processed kind.

Some of the "cabbagy" veggies and greens, like broccoli, turnips, cabbage itself, cauliflower, etc., can be gas producing and give the bun a tummy ache. They have to be carefully limited.

Lots of good sites out there about how to feed a bun for good health. (Even some greens can have too much calcium ifover-fed.) Some easy to find, fairly cheap, and bunny-popular greens are parsley, romaine lettuce, and mustardgreens, among others. Bon Apetit to yourSugar bun!:cooking:
Good grief! Sugar has a more complex diet than I do! Then again, my maid just gives me pot noodles every day ("Ay, ay. Little gwirl, you so skeeny, so seelyyou need some good fud. mooooore powt noodle!") so I guess thats not hard.
Good grief! Sugar has a more complex diet than I do! Then again, my maid just gives me pot noodles every day ("Ay, ay. Little gwirl, you so skeeny, so seelyyou need some good fud. mooooore powt noodle!") so I guess thats not hard.
LOL!! Yep, it can get a little crazy. I guess that's why most of us stick with a good brand of pellets, lots of fresh hay, some yummy greens, all the fresh water the bun can drink, and just a little nibble of a snack daily.

BTW, I can just picture your maidfussing over you with that funny voice. What a hoot!!
Hi Everyone in Bunnyland.....lol.

My name is Reyna. My husband and I have a bunny named Mocha. She loves her dill and loves having her own room.....all I can say is she is spoiled - she knows it and loves it:DWe tried getting her a companion but she just won't share so she wants to be the only child...lol.

Ohhh and she loves to give kisses......:biggrin2:

Nice metting you all...hope to be apart of this as often as possible:)


Lol, yeah, my maid does have a tendancy to fuss. :D

We have bought alfalfa hay for my rabbit. And we got a water bottle thingy as well as a bowl. Cos the water bottle thingy (what is it called, btw?) seems to be more convenient - even though my rabbit has NO idea how to use it. Oh well. He'll learn, i guess...Alfalfa hay is better than Timothy for bunnies, right? I sure hope so...

Today my maid thought my rabbit was too skinny so she gave him a whole carrot!! Because she thought that all rabbits eat is carrot. Aaaahh! I told her not to feed my rabbit because the wrong food can make him very, very fat. At least this wasn't as bad as the time she thought the fish food was gravel, and poured the whole bag in the tank. LOL!

Nice to meet you, Reyna! Hope to hear more about your wabbit soon! :)
Chocoteddy0 wrote:
At least this wasn't as bad as the time she thought the fish food was gravel, and poured the whole bag in the tank. LOL!

Nice to meet you, Reyna! Hope to hear more about your wabbit soon! :)

Oh my word!! I'd love to meet that lady. She sounds as crazy as me!!

Welcome Reyna and Mocha
Hee Hee hee...Seriously! That's my 16 year old's nickname for me, "Crazy." Because I am. As in, "hey, Crazy, can you take me to the store?"A couple of days ago, I told my husband, "i just saw thunder!" It's just one example of my mixed up mind!! :p
Thanks for the welcome....I love this site already....

My husband and I thought we were the only ones out there crazy with bunnies since we dont see many bunny people here in South FL but its great to see we're not:biggrin2:

I've posted some pics of my bun already and she already has her own Bunspace too (since I learned about it last night)

Look forward to building great friendships:dude:
Just catching up on your bunny Chocoteddy0

If he is in fact only a month old you need stop feeding him veggies. He shouldnt even be away from his momma at this age. They are usually weaned at around 8 weeks. Did the person you got him from tell you that was his age?

If hes eating on his own I would just stick with alfalfa pellets (unlimited) and alfalfa/timothy hay. Make sure he has lots of hay.

Bunnies are often weaned at far too young an age so they appear cute and small. When they are weaned so young they are likely to have GI issues, especially if they are fed so many different foods all at once.

Stick with only pellets and hay for now. Make sure your pellets dont have any colored bits in them. You can usually buy bagged hay at pet stores.

I usually start introducing veggies at around 5 months and I do it very slowly.

Im so glad you found us. I hope your boy is doing ok!


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