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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2011
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Corinth, Mississippi, USA
I filled up her hay rack around lunch and put her 1/8 cup of pellets and a pinch of alfalfa as a treat and i check it bout an hour ago so i could give her her bedtime snack and she hadnt ate any of it and she usually gobbles down the pellets and alfalfa and i put some parsley in there and she wont touch it =[ i tried calling the vets but they apparently dont have an emergency number if anyone can tell me what to do until tomorrow i'd appreciate it
Hey, i am a new rabbit owner but just had the same sort of experience the other day. We had a vet appoinment today and he had a bit of gas but that was it. maybe this is her problem. And remember chances are a vet will always tell you that you need to come in and see them becasue of course they want your business. Especially if you are not sure if it is an emergency or not ( i spent an hour on the phone with the emergency vet line and they wanted me to bring ben in) although it stressed me out i tried to be paitent and eventually ben ate a couple nibbles and had a couple hops and he was fine. Is he pooping okay? or is it just not eating?

sara and benji
When my bunny didn't eat (he had dental problems) I made a pellet slurry or thick carrot juice (or carrot top juice, whatever your bunny likes to eat, but give some pellet slurry too), put in a syringe (without needle, of course) and syringed it into his mouth and made him drink it. It saved his life while the vets were trying to figure out what my bunny had (they're not really good here). Take your bunny to a vet if you can, bunnies aren't supposed to be like that. I've always heard about "Critical care" - we don't have it in my country but it seems to be a great thing to give to rehydrate your bunny if he's not eating.
Call the vet ASAP. If she seems gassy you can try infant gas-x, simethicone. Yep, you could try oxbow's critical care if you can get any. Keep food moving through. I'll be praying for your bunny!
I had a similar problem a few years ago. I had to take my bun to the vet, where he got medicine for gut rot (? I don't remember for sure, it was a while ago) and some shots for dehydration. He ate fine after that.

I had another rabbit who wouldn't eat, but he wasn't given any shots. The vet gave me a kind of powdered food that I had to mix with water and feed him with a syringe.

Bunnies can have lots of tummy troubles, it could be almost anything. If it's been more than a day without eating (especially if you offer treats), I would take your bun to the vet.
Until you get to the vet give her only pellets.

get baby liquid gas drops (simethicone) for gas and give 1 ml with a 1ml repeat X 3 dosesif needed ...

May also want to also syringe some pedialyte ( children's electrolyte drink ) to replenish fluids lost by diarrhea

Also get a probiotic like Benebac and give her a dose. Petstores like Petco and Petsmart sell this product. the dog/cat powder is fine
How old is this bun?
Frank diarrhea is serious so she should see a vet ASAP
vet didnt know what was wrong with her so he sent her home with antibiotics, anti hairball/laxatives , and told me to get pedia light and feed her with a syringe
Make sure to give probiotics. If the vet didn't know what was wrong, I doubt it was a rabbit-savvy vet. It's a gut flora imbalance leading to gas, pain, and diarrhea. What is the antibiotic, and all the other meds?

Probiotics are key in this case. They would be Bene-Bac from the pet store, ProBios from the feed/farm store, or human probiotics if you can't find anything else. Do not give anything with milk in it--their bellies can't tolerate it. This is critical.

The pedialyte is good too, and keep up with the simethicone protocol angieluv mentioned.

I still wouldn't let her eat anything other than hay, as greens can make diarrhea worse.

If she gets lethargic, she needs to go to the vet again.

edit: saw you wanted to know how much pedialyte to give. I would do 15mL/hr if possible. This site says to give a lot more but I doubt she'll take that much. It is a good site, though, for simethicone dosages. You can also sometimes give ibuprofen or aspirin for bunnies with gas.
albon is the antibiotic and Supplical (which is meant to be the laxative) but i thought supplical was to help animals gain weight =S
When Toby wouldn't drink when he was on antibiotics he only had a crock. I would hold a bottle for him and he would drink for 3-5 minutes straight, so I figured he prefered that. If you have only one or the other, maybe try putting the other one in too? You can also add a little apple/pineapple/cranberry juice to the water to make them more inclined to drink it. Note: a LITTLE juice.
Albon is good because it is also anti-inflammatory in the gut. The laxative is just a big oily thing, which could be used to put on weight, or as a laxative. I'm not a fan of oily laxatives; it seems counter-productive unless the bunny is drinking a lot of water. If she has diarrhea I don't think she needs a laxative, though. Am I confused?

If she won't drink, I would try to get at least 5 mL of pedialyte into her by oral syringe every few hours.
MarisaAndToby wrote:
When Toby wouldn't drink when he was on antibiotics he only had a crock. I would hold a bottle for him and he would drink for 3-5 minutes straight, so I figured he prefered that. If you have only one or the other, maybe try putting the other one in too? You can also add a little apple/pineapple/cranberry juice to the water to make them more inclined to drink it. Note: a LITTLE juice.
she has a bowl and a water bottle both in her cage with water a lil bit of apple juice in it
tonyshuman wrote:
Albon is good because it is also anti-inflammatory in the gut. The laxative is just a big oily thing, which could be used to put on weight, or as a laxative. I'm not a fan of oily laxatives; it seems counter-productive unless the bunny is drinking a lot of water. If she has diarrhea I don't think she needs a laxative, though. Am I confused?

If she won't drink, I would try to get at least 5 mL of pedialyte into her by oral syringe every few hours.
she had only a couple of diarrhea then her poop stopped completely (yesterday) and now since i have been hand feeding her she has went some close to normal sized but kinda dry so im going to try to make her drink more water and pedia lyte I've been making her move around some and massaging her tummy

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