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Active Member
Jun 9, 2011
Reaction score
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
My female rabbit, Chili, doesn't like ANY other rabbits. Not even my male! I don't know how to properly socialize her and some days are good(they can get along[leave each other alone] for 5-10 minutes) and other days.. not so much. Please help!

If it helps, she's not spayed, and my male isn't neutered.

They're in separate cages of course but I'd like to be able to bring them both out together and not have a fight(she's bitten part of his nose off already). So yeah, if you have suggestions or anything please let me know!

Thanks "bun"ches!

getting her spayed may help the problem
get them fixed. unspayed female rabbits are extremely territorial and almost impossible to bond. it's unlikely they will ever "be friends" if they are not fixed. if you spay her, but don't have him neutered, it's likely they still won't bond, since he will still be driven by the "baby making" hormones. after you get them fixed, you have to wait a couple months for the hormones to die down, then you can start carefully introducing them. they won't necessarily become immediate friends, with with a little time and patience, it should work.
Well, the answer really should be obvious here...

Of course she wouldn't like your unnuetered male, as he's probably constantly trying to breed her. Putting these two together for any amount of time is just asking for trouble. She'll be hormonal and not getting along with your male as long as they are both intact. So unless you get them spayed and nuetered, you're going to be going with solo bunnies.

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