Help, worms?!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2010
Reaction score
Austin, Texas, USA
I just found 3 worms around my bun's anus. She's been unable to stand/walk for 5 months now and probably has ecuniculi or some neurological disorder.

She's been on panacur and a horse dewormer before but I've never seen worms. I'm taking her to the vet first thing in the morning but is there any chance this may be related to her underlying issues? Here is one of them that I found. I think maybe it is a pinworm?

The vet says it's fly strike. He said he can take care of it, though. I guess that's good. Now I'm wondering what I can do to prevent it. I'm considering putting mosquito netting around her cage.
Yes she lives inside. Always has.

It's a constant struggle to keep her clean. I bathe her every night but then keeping her dry is a problem. The vet said clean and dry is the key but he has some $2,000 piece of machinery that dries her with a balloon full of hot air. Because he has such a great way of drying her he can completely soak her down and spray her off.

I think I'm just going to take her to the vet every time she starts getting too dirty and have them do their cleaning. It's amazing how well they clean her up.
Mosquito netting is a very good idea, I am surprised your vet hasn't suggested it earlier. Even though she is inside its still a good idea. It will prevent flies getting to her and mosquitos which carry all those nasty diseases bunnies get.

Also, did you show the worm to the vet? and he said they are fly larvae? I hope she has been getting better since you posted this. Is this fly strike problem why she cant walk? sorry if I have missed something.

Sorry, so many questions I just hope she is ok.
I don't see how your rabbit is getting this dirty unless you are keeping the cage unsanatary and letting her sit in her own poo. Rabbits keep themselves realatively clean.
She had beenparalyzed for 5 months. She can't keep herself clean. I don't keep it unsanitary. I bathed her and cleaned her cage out every day but thanks for the vote of confidence and understanding.

She passed away after a 5 month battle three days ago. Her vital organsjust shut down according to the vet. The paralysisstarted in her hind legs and eventually took over her entire body.

I miss her.
So sorry she didn't make it! You must have been a good bunny parent for her to make it this long in that condition. Poor baby!
Sorry... You did everything you could. Many people would have given up long before you did. You're obviously a good person. Your bunny was lucky to have such a compassionate owner.

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