Help -- strange behavior with my 11 week old bun.

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New Member
Oct 2, 2017
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I recently adopted a Netherland Dwarf bunny, eleven weeks old. He has been acting fine up until today, when out nowhere one of his ears flattened backwards, with one eye squinting and his head tilting to the same side; then he seemed to partly lose motor control (also on the same side), but he kept trying to hop around, but was stumbling and falling over.
After about three or so minutes he recovered completely and was happily hopping around.
That first happened a few hours ago, and then just now happened again, so I am worried. I will bring him to the vet tomorrow. But I am wondering if anyone here has witnessed similar symptoms and what the issue might be.
It sounds like a seizure or possibly a ministroke(TIA). For seizures, e. cuniculi is a possibility, but there are other causes that are possible as well. Best thing is to get him to a knowledgeable rabbit vet first thing. I would for sure want the vet to put him on anti inflammatories, and the vet may want to do antibiotics(make sure it's a rabbit safe one as some are dangerous to rabbits if given orally, Baytril and smz/tmp are two safe oral antibiotics for rabbits). Depending on what the cause is, there may be other medications needed, especially if this turns out to be an ongoing condition. As for cost, it depends on what the cause ends up being, the amount of meds your bun needs to be on, and the vet you go see(some vets are more expensive than others).

If it happens again before you see the vet, try and get a video of it so you can show the vet exactly what is happening.
It sounds like a seizure or possibly a ministroke(TIA). For seizures, e. cuniculi is a possibility, but there are other causes that are possible as well. Best thing is to get him to a knowledgeable rabbit vet first thing. I would for sure want the vet to put him on anti inflammatories, and the vet may want to do antibiotics(make sure it's a rabbit safe one as some are dangerous to rabbits if given orally, Baytril and smz/tmp are two safe oral antibiotics for rabbits). Depending on what the cause is, there may be other medications needed, especially if this turns out to be an ongoing condition. As for cost, it depends on what the cause ends up being, the amount of meds your bun needs to be on, and the vet you go see(some vets are more expensive than others).

If it happens again before you see the vet, try and get a video of it so you can show the vet exactly what is happening.

Totaly agree.......

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