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Nov 12, 2012
Reaction score
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Hi!! My name is Michelle. I wrote this nice introduction about me and my rabbits- but then my webpage crashed! :X Lets try this again....
I am a semi new rabbit owner. In March I lost my 6 year old Lionshead Kujo Lou. She was a Valentines Gift from my boyfriend. I called her my best gift ever, he says it was his worst idea (he secretly loved her, and she loved to bug him!) If you had asked me in March I would have said I will never have another bunny ever again. Loosing her was heartbreaking. A few months past and I start to waver, okay I will have a bunny again but not a lionshead. I wanted a rabbit, but did not actively pursue getting one. It would happen when the time is right, that's how most of our pets have come our way!
Last week we were picking up crickets and the pet store we were in had this fur ball sitting in the back with the mice and guinea pigs. The store is a local family owned place that mostly deals with fish and reptiles. They only have rabbits once in a while-usually brought in by someone who can no longer care for them. This little guy had been dumped at the store by his old owners for kicking their other rabbit (they only got him to be a friend to their rabbit). Of course he is another lionshead, but something tells me that's quite alright :big wink:

I have begun traveling the bunny websites again for refreshers on the ins and outs of young bunny life. I didn't realize how much Kujo had mellowed with age until this one settled in and showed off his binkying skills!
Anyways, hello from me and Einstein.
Welcome!!! I'm glad you found this little guy and brought him into your home. I'm sure he'll have a happy life with you. Yeah, babies are just bundles of energy and bouncing off the walls, but it sure is fun to watch:)

Please feel free to post pictures. Would love to see your cutie:)
Welcome! Glad you found little Einstein. Sounds like it was meant to be :) I also have a Lionhead named Agnes. She is a joy.
Post pics!
Here are two pictures of Einstein. I love the brown strip on his back-reminds be of a cupcake where someone stole some frosting! hehe


Below is one of Kujo when she was around the same age. She had quite the mane, makes me wonder if Einstein is mixed or if he received a haircut recently...


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