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Dec 23, 2013
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Tampa, Fl.
Hi everyone! I'm Sarah, 23 year old graduate student that loves all things bunnies.

I adopted two bunnies from a local pet store roughly 11 weeks ago; a girl (Honey) and a boy (Clover).
They're so cute and absolutely love each other; I knew they were "the rabbits" for me!
Honey's been fixed, Clover is due to go in early next month.
I'm unsure of their exact age, my guess is 6-7 months. I also have no idea what breed(s) they are. My best guess is they're mixed--Clover has the satin fur, blue eyes, and is roughly 3lbs maybe 3.5lbs by now; Honey resembles a very light chinchilla and is a little smaller, about 2.5lbs maybe 3lbs tops.

Here's a couple photos! The top one is more recent.


:hello & :welcome1, Sarah & your bunnies, Honey & Clover!
Love the names, Clover & Honey! Makes me think of my favorite honey, clover honey! Yummy! They are an adorable pair! Happy for you that Honey was already spayed! Just curious, why did you decide to get bunnies for "pets?" Besides their irresistible bunny faces & bums! lol Are they your first bunnies? Hope you don't mind my questions but I couldn't help myself with my curiosity.

I'm a first time bunny mom to two Jersey wooly sisters. We were wanting another furry family member after a long absence of furry members. In our current home there was little room or area for a dog to help fill in the hole in my heart when my German shepherd/husky girl died. So I started checking out other pets that would be compatible with our home & family. Finally we decided a bunny was the best match for us & I started researching for bunnies around my area. There are no bunny shelters/rescues, pet stores only have them seasonally (Easter), & then we found a wonderful breeder. To make a long story a little shorter, my breeder convinced me to take two bunny girls as they were quite bonded to each other. Faith was the one I chose but her sister, Hope was the runt of the litter & was quite attached to her. Of course I had to take both! I couldn't be happier with my decision or my bunny girls as I call them! Well, enough of our story!

Nice to have you join RO! Hope you will hop on in & make yourself at home here! Everyone is very friendly & helpful. We have many experienced members who can offer great advice should you need it at any time. We love pix & chatting about our bunnies!
Welcome SnuggleBunnies! You're not far from me! We have 1 bun with the possibility of more if he shows well! Welcome to RO! Your buns are very cute!
:hello & :welcome1, Sarah & your bunnies, Honey & Clover!
Love the names, Clover & Honey! Makes me think of my favorite honey, clover honey! Yummy! They are an adorable pair! Happy for you that Honey was already spayed! Just curious, why did you decide to get bunnies for "pets?" Besides their irresistible bunny faces & bums! lol Are they your first bunnies? Hope you don't mind my questions but I couldn't help myself with my curiosity.

I'm a first time bunny mom to two Jersey wooly sisters. We were wanting another furry family member after a long absence of furry members. In our current home there was little room or area for a dog to help fill in the hole in my heart when my German shepherd/husky girl died. So I started checking out other pets that would be compatible with our home & family. Finally we decided a bunny was the best match for us & I started researching for bunnies around my area. There are no bunny shelters/rescues, pet stores only have them seasonally (Easter), & then we found a wonderful breeder. To make a long story a little shorter, my breeder convinced me to take two bunny girls as they were quite bonded to each other. Faith was the one I chose but her sister, Hope was the runt of the litter & was quite attached to her. Of course I had to take both! I couldn't be happier with my decision or my bunny girls as I call them! Well, enough of our story!

Nice to have you join RO! Hope you will hop on in & make yourself at home here! Everyone is very friendly & helpful. We have many experienced members who can offer great advice should you need it at any time. We love pix & chatting about our bunnies!

Hello! :bunny19:

Honey wasn't spayed when we got her, actually! But when I took them both in to be fixed, Clover started screaming (reason unknown, but we suspect it was the sounds in the vets office?) when they went to gas him and put him under--so we delayed him for a few weeks and got just her done.

I don't mind the questions at all! I've actually grown up having rabbits and guinea pigs--I believe my family had about 8 rabbits when I was younger (at different times, though), and an even higher count of piggies.
I moved out of my parents place ~5 years ago and really wanted a pet then, but cats, dogs, and rabbits were out of the question so I've actually had hamsters for a while now too. (We have one currently named James Tiberius Kirk!)

I recently relocated 1300 miles away, got my own place, and entered grad school...so it felt awful silly that I didn't adopt a pet if I've wanted one for so long and could actually afford it, y'know? But I'm allergic to cats, dogs are far too much a time commitment, and as much as I love guinea pigs they were never as interactive as I'd like...

Then I remembered my experiences with rabbits and explored the option of getting a pair! I was debating it for a long time, especially because my boyfriend was kind of "eh" about rabbits as pets, but when I saw them at the pet place I practically left crying and he knew (and I knew) that they were the addition to the family we were looking for. Two tiny grey bunnies that were friendly AND cuddling with each other? Heck yes! :bunnybutt:

My sister just adopted a REALLY FLUFFY holland lop/lionhead mix; she followed my example and absolutely loves her bunny too. (As does my dad.) It helps some pain of loss, as our family dog had to be put down a couple months ago.

They've got so much personality and I'm bonding better with them than with the rabbits I had as a kid (understandably why), I would fully make the decision again.

That was probably more than anyone cared to know! Lol sorry!

Do you have photos of your bunnies? I bet they're absolutely adorable! And fluffy!

Welcome SnuggleBunnies! You're not far from me! We have 1 bun with the possibility of more if he shows well! Welcome to RO! Your buns are very cute!

Oh! You're very close, wow!

Have your experiences with your bun been good? I've always had bonded bunnies and never really a single one so I'm not as familiar with how a rabbit might behave with just their hoomans.

Obligatory "do you have pictures?" question because I love look at people's adorable buns!
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Wow, those are awesome pictures. I didn't know rabbits were sooo loving to each other. It makes me want to get my sunny a companion. I'm new too but welcome to the forums!

Thank you! I am very lucky, as these two have been bonded since I got them. Bonding two bunnies later on isn't quite as...instant? as the situation I got.

They're so cute though--they follow each other around, flop next to or on each other, and take each others food haha.
He's actually my 9 almost 10 yr old's 4-H bun! He's very sweet and she takes him out for a minimum of 3 hours a day. She feeds,waters and changes his litter box. The breeder had taken him to Pa and was going to be a gift for a relative but they didn't keep him. He is very easy to handle. I think that is just how Polish are. Just sweet. He's never nipped or been aggressive and he's not neutered. The only room he has accident in is my daughters as he feels that it's his room. Were ok cleaning up messes there. And otherwise he's only really pooped and peed while running in her room. When I put up the dog and 1 cat he doesn't make any messes around the house. He's met my 2 yr old kitty and they just co-exist. He's just the sweetest boy ever! He's the bun in the avatar pic!
Welcome! I got my bunnies on a whim because it was so depressing not to have any pets but I just wasn't ready to get another cat (even though it had been a year and a half since my precious kitty died, she'd been my best friend and I just couldn't imagine finding another cat as amazing as she was). I hadn't had a bunny since I was a little kid (nearly 20 years prior), but I remembered loving bunnies and I figured they were "cat-like" without being cats (ie not needy like dogs but still snuggly as long as you handled them on their terms, etc.).

I woke up one morning, randomly determined to get a bunny that day! I spent all day doing research and trying in vain to find a shelter with bunnies (the only rabbit rescue in my area didn't adopt bunnies out because apparently too many had been returned... never mind that when I get an animal, I'm instantly committed to them for their entire life, no matter what). I bought supplies and went to a breeder on the other side of town, not even sure if I was getting one bunny or two.

I looked at lionheads first and one of them instantly caught my attention - Nala seemed to look me right in the eyes and almost command me telepathically to take her home. In retrospect, I kind of think Nala orchestrated all of it, lol, including the fact that I ended up with Gazzles as her companion. I was naive enough at the time to take orders from a cute little bunny... and I was rewarded with two horribly naughty little naughties! I love my girls with all my heart and soul.

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