Hello from Canberra, Australia!

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Mar 27, 2009
Reaction score
Canberra, , Australia
Hi all!

I've been reading everyones posts for a while so I thought I better introduce myself. I'm Amber from Canberra and I'm the proud owner of Lady, a 3 year old New Zealand White. She is one very spoilt rescue bun. I bought her home as she was so miserable looking andthe one no one wanted ! I can't understand why as Iadore these lovely big white fluff balls! She's so much fun to live with as there's nothing like a 5kg bunny doing a binkie (though she went on a diet as soon as she got home as she was SO fat!). We have discovered that shehas bad eyesightthough it doesn't stop her zooming around the house and jumping on the couch.

Anyway - looking forward to talking to you all!

Amber and Lady




Wow certainly been a lot of aussies coming in lately.

I'm Dave from NSW :)

You'll enjoy it here!

Wow is that beautiful New zealand white or what!
Saudade wrote:
Wow certainly been a lot of aussies coming in lately.

I was thinking the same thing!

Hello Amber and welcome...:)

Lady is just adorable
:woohoo Hi Amber,welcome and I see you have the greatest breed of all rabbits, you can't tell I'm a New Zealand White breeder can you? Great looking bunny and really laid back acting.
cheryl wrote:
Saudade wrote:
Wow certainly been a lot of aussies coming in lately.
I was thinking the same thing!

:welcome1to RO Amber!

You have a beautiful New Zealand White there!

Enjoy the forum!
Welcome Amber and Lady. I'm Crystal from Melbourne.

There have been a lot of aussies join since I joined about two weeks ago :)
Wow! So many Australians!!! It's so great to know that there's other people in Australia who keep rabbits in the house as everytime I tell someone they just think it's so weird. I wish I knew how to promote house buns to more Australians as they really are missing out!
Ambersil wrote:
Wow! So many Australians!!! It's so great to know that there's other people in Australia who keep rabbits in the house as everytime I tell someone they just think it's so weird. I wish I knew how to promote house buns to more Australians as they really are missing out!
I know exactly what you mean!! Many Aussies see rabbits as animals with nothing to give. It's probably because rabbits are pests here, you're not even allowed to own one in Queensland! My bunns live outside in their hutches and run around indoors but I would definitely have indoor bunnies if I was allowed.
Mylandlord is so blase when it comes to pets. I love that but I imagine some of them would just have a fit at hearing that a rabbit could even live inside the house.

Queensland's laws are a bit crazy - my bun couldn't survive a night outside alone!
hello and welcome to RO :welcome1
nice to have you here :) hope to see you around the forums


:welcome1to RO, Amber!

Your gal Lady is lovely; obviously Queen of her kingdom!
Be sure to also check out the Lagomorph Library for plenty of great information on rabbit health, behaviour, bonding suggestions and nutrition.

See you on the main board!

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