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May 8, 2013
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my name is Jasper and i just got a 3 year old spayed female bun.
she belonged to my cousins girlfriend, and was gifted to me quite randomly since im known to take in peoples unwanted pets :D

This is Lola (previous owner named her)



any idea on her breed? :)

Iv had rabbits before, my latest rabbit was a fixed male by the name of Peter, he was a holland lop, I loved him, lops are my favorite. he died after a move across state line :(
this is a photo of him <3

I took peter to a show once, i had no idea what I was doing but it seemed like fun so i signed up but he was disqualified lol :)
it was fun, id like to do it again sometime

ill paste the story about peters show exspearance here

"So we went and peter got his ear tattoo which reads out &#8220;PDCO&#8221; which are my friend peter&#8217;s initials, lololol and he was entered in two shows, the first judge came around and took a look at him and kinda didnt say much that i could hear from the judging table aside from &#8220;broken harliquin, disqualified, whoever owns this buck can take him home&#8221; and so I was like D: WHAT BROKEN WHAT?! and then i took him off the judging tables and took him over to the place where you register and asked them why he was disqualified, and they said they didn't know and they looked in his file and we weighed him and hes three oz under four pounds which is a good weight according to them, and she felt him and she said he was in good health, and then she said it might be his colour but to take him back for the second judging because it may have just been that judge who disqualified him, so i took him back and he was judged again, and the second judge was like "great head, perfect form excellent hair" and just went on about how great he was, I was excited i thought maybe he wouldn't be disqualified, he said nothing about him was average, or below average. but then he put him down and said he was disqualified because of his colouring &#8220;broken magpie harliquin&#8221; apparently does not come in holland lops, its a mutation in the fur LOL:rofl: therefore,

peter was disqualified from the rabbit show"
Hi welcome to the forum! :) I really want to say she's a Rex for some reason.....She probably isn't though lol. What a cutie Peter was! My first rabbit show didn't go so well either lol, it was a 4-H one and most of our counties 4-H clubs were really badly organized, so not surprisingly so was the rabbit show, ended up that I didn't get to show my girl at all, but hopefully it'll go better next time I try. :)
Welcome to RO! Lola is adorable! I'm not sure what breed she is. She kind of reminds me of my Ash. He is an American Chinchilla rabbit, bu I don't think that's what she is. How much does she weigh?

Peter is adorable! I'm so sorry you lost him. :(
hi, welcome to Rabbits Online!!

I love Peter's story at the bunny show.. hahah
so he had a mutation in his fur? Lol a mutant rabbit.. (kidding) you should be proud! :blueribbon: He should have been 1st place just for being a mutant rabbit, don't you think? :bow

And Lola is a sweetheart!!! Awww she seems so friendly and lovely!!!
She looks a lot like my Bilém (read "Beelain"), the bunny I'm fostering now. Bilém came here with a bunny friend called Lola, who is a sweetie too. Our Lola was very well adopted, and now is very happy, at a great home with a neutered male bunny.

Your Lola is really cute, and I'm sure you'll have a lot of funny stories to tell us!
. She kind of reminds me of my Ash. He is an American Chinchilla rabbit, but I don't think that's what she is. How much does she weigh?
. :(

you know what she does look like an American Chinchilla rabbit, however she's not grey shes more brown.
im not sure how much she weighs i don't have a scale anymore >.< ill have to get one though to keep logs of her weights, she does seem heavy, she's rather largeish too, i have to get a weight on her somehow! lol

also yes! i too said peter should have won the show lol, i was mutation? thats amazing! he should be a super hero lol :)
Yeah, she does look like an American Chinchilla rabbit. Only she is brown not gray. Oh and my Ash weighs 9 pounds.

Yes, he should have one the show from his mutation. That was a funny story. :)
Welcome to the forums. Not too much help with Lola's breed. I could see a normal furred Rex maybe. She could just be a mix. Rabbits can be hard to determine their breed unless there are really defining characteristics.

Funny story about the show. Yes his color (though I'm not sure it's magpie, he looks like a harlequin mixed with a sable point lol) is not recognized. I show tans it's a very fun hobby and I learn something new every day!
I am sorry about the loss of your other bun that must have been a hard ordeal to go through, look so sweet and cute me and my mom are big lops also.

Your new girl looks like a wonderful addition to your home though, I am glad to see that you all have a new fun additon to the home.
and welcome to the forums

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