He....bit me

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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2011
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Akansas, , USA
My feelings are so completely scarred...Nelson bit me today! And it hurt!!!:expressionless it hurt...a lot....I was sitting on the floor and he came and got im my lap...when I went to get up hit head was in the crook of my arm and he bit me there....HARD! It's not the first time he's nipped at someone, but this time it was serious...why did he do this? It hurt so bad and now I feel like he hates me...he just turned 11 weeks old so he isn't quite old enough to be neutered yet...is it something horomonal? HELP!:cry2
DIpitydane wrote:
...why did he do this? It hurt so bad and now I feel like he hates me...he just turned 11 weeks old so he isn't quite old enough to be neutered yet...is it something horomonal? HELP!:cry2
He's a bit young for hormonal, but I don't think he hates you. Don't take it personally. Bunnies, especially young ones, just don't realize it hurts when they nip you. It's a natural part of rabbit communication, and they have to be trained that humans don't like it.

When the bunny bites or nips, give a very loud, very sharp screech - EEK! That simulates the sound a rabbit makes when they're really, really hurt, and it also startles them. You may find that the bunny will come forward and nip again, but less hard. Screech again. Lather, rinse, repeat... after a little while he'll get the message, and either stop entirely or start licking. Praise the bunny extravagantly.
Aw, it doesn't mean he hates you - animals don't know how to express displeasure to a human, so often they end up biting us. Maybe he was just saying "I'm comfy, don't move!", my bird does that all the time if he's napping on me. Just work on training him that you aren't an animal and that really hurts.
Thanks guys...I'll try the "EEK!" technique and see how it goes...I've noticed that he seems to do it when he is't getting his way? For instance....I was sitting at the opening to the cage and he wanted out...but it was bed time and they weren't coming out...he pushed against me...then NIP....and a couple times he was in the chair with me and was trying to get to my end table but I wouldn't let him..I placed my arm on the chair in a manner as to block him...he pushed against me...and nipped...so maybe he is doing it so that Ill let him have his way?
That's how rabbits tell other rabbits to MOVE IT! Don't give in though or it will make it worse. You are the bunny boss, not Nelson. Hopefully the eek will work. :)
Where did you get him from? Do you happen to know the exact age he was separated from his mother and littermates?

I know that puppies that are removed from their littermates before the recommended 8 weeks they miss out greatly on social experience. Ie. when they nip a littermate too hard, they'll hear a sharp squeal and learn that this is not acceptable. So if you get a puppy that has been separated too early (many breeders are incompetent and do this just for convenience) you might find they are more nippy and need to learn unnacceptable behaviour from you.

I wonder whether this is the case for buns? If so you are just going to have to show him that nipping is wrong. You could squeal loudly and sharply whenever he nips you aggressively and then try ignoring him. Hopefully he will get the message.

However, if he is slightly prematurely hormonal, this may not work particularly well. In that case you might just have to wait it out for a few more months, try the best you can with the behavioural teaching, and then neuter him.

Firstly don't be afraid. Showing your fear he will feed off that.

Don't allow it to happen. The rabbit needs to understand you are boss, not it.
Is it possible he wanted you to move your arm? My first bunny, Cinnabun, when I was a kid was very opinionated and would bite you if there was a body part blocking his way or somewhere he didn't want it. He'd usually nudge with his nose at least once first. I'm sure Nelson doesn't hate you in any case! Being bitten by your dear bunny can really hurt your feelings though. My boy Rory attacked me (he saw me playing with my new, unneutered boy bunny) and bit me really hard on my hand 3 years ago (I have a scar) and aside from hurting physically, it really hurt my feelings and I cried a lot because I couldn't believe he did it!
Our wold nip and scratch if they wanted us to move or even if we stopped rubbing. Used to feel it was more of an editorial comment. However, you don't want to give that behavior any positive reinforcement.
Ahhh, nostalgia, LOL. I remember when getting bitten by one of my bunnies was a shocking and hurtful thing. But I have been working with disgruntled rescue rabbits for so long now I am barely even surprised when one bites me! I go "OW! Whoops, sorry so-and-so, guess I moved too fast for ya. Don't worry, I'll go slower next time."

:bunnydance: BTW, am I the only one that thinks we need an "evil" bunny emoticon?

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