Hay Question

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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, , Australia
Ok here's the deal.. Dumbo and Latte are both 2.5 years old...
I've been giving them unlimited timothy hay, but recently the vet i usually get it from is out...apparently there is a shortage in Melbourne area and there wont be any coming in for another week or so..

so the question is.. I have 2 choices for hay, Bedding Hay (plain dried grass, it's got a RSPCA stamp of approval for small animals) and alfalfa, which i heard is not too good for adult mini lops... something about it being too fatty, or something.

Which one do I feed them? I've currently been giving them a bunch of bedding hay to chew on, and every night before i sleep a handful of alfalfa.
If it were me? I'd opt for the bedding hay for now. The Alphafa really is protein for small animals to get bigger, so, for an adult, you don't need that.;) If you can even find Grassy Hay mixture would be good, are there any stores there you could get some bagged hay from?

Hubby told me that KayTee has come out with Timothy Hay with either Mint, Marigold or he thinks Dandelion mixed in, how cool is that?:D He saw this at Petsmart, so everyone look it up and get some and let us know how you're buns love it! I plan on getting some!:D
Are timothy pellets available to you? If so, I'd suggest switching to timothy pellets and then using the alfalfa hay.

Alfalfa is not bad in and of itself. The reason it is not suggested for adult rabbits is because it is very rich in protein and calcium. Since most pellets are alfalfa-based, it is best to pair them with a grass hay to avoid protein overload. But if you're already using a timothy pellet, alfalfa hay would be fine. :)
they eat timothy pellets...but i give them a controlled amount...a little less then quarter cup every 12 hours... I don't want them to get fat like they were when they were young... and i believe what I give them now is the recommended amount for 2 mini lops.

they really don't seem to like the: PETERS Pasture Hay, Bedding & Food that i bought for them. There is always a bunch left over..even when they are hungry (they follow me around the house when they're hungry) where as when i give them alfalfa hay mixed in with the pasture hay they gobble up the alfalfa and leave the pasture hay... don't get me wrong though they do eat the pasture hay, but they seem to be extremely picky on which grass they eat when it comes to it... i'll be able to return to timothy hay by next mon-wed there arent any other vets in my area that stock it, and i don't have a car, so i guess this will have to do. I'll just keep giving them pasture hay, and one serving of alfalfa before i go to bed till i can get my hands on some timothy hay.
I know that oat hay is very prevalent in Australia, you could try seeing if your bunnies like that and if anyone close has that.

Your pellet amount seems fine to me. If they are maintaining a good weight on it, then I would continue with the current diet.


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