Halloween Costumes

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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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Clare, , Ireland
What is everyone dressing up for halloween? If you are, that is :) This is my costume, I am the Queen of Hearts. I had to wear it for school :) Must get better pictures of it cause the back is really cool, wore it with black heels.

Got pictures?

I'm going to be a Pioneer Girl. I'll upload pics the day After Halloween. I still have some touch ups to do and my grandma is making me a parka so I will stay warm. Lol. I have 2 parties to go to so I will have lots of pics. One a church on the 30 and one at my friend Miranda's on the 31. Yay!!!
vampire, though not anything like stupid twilight vampires, its got the corset, and i cant decide between a long flowy skirt or a mini skit thats really frilly, and my kick ass big black boots or little black heels. gunna be going to a masquerade as well so i need an awesome mask... gotta go shopping, lol
I'm going as an evil unicorn, and my guy is going as Angus Young, from Ac/Dc.. complete with light up horns and devil tail..

and im wearing rollerskates..since it's a rollergirl function.

"something wicked this way rolls..an evenin of inkin and worshipin skatin'..."
Kids on my bus asked me what I was going as...told them a bus driver...unfortunately my work doesn't allow us to dress up (party poopers) and we only get 2 or 3 kids trick or treating by us (we live in a very rural subdivision...parents drive the kids into town to trick-or-treat).
I changed my idea and i'm going as a Ghostbuster now. I have the oufit part done but I still have to make my proton pack. I'll post pics when its done :) If I have time I might even put some decals and stuff on my white station wagon to make it my "ectomobile", LOL.
i'm going to be a bed head. the costume includes:
plain tee
increadibly soft pj pants
sponge curlers in my hair
bathrobe over shirt
it was Sooooooo cheap. 7 bucks for the pj pants...everything else i had :lol:
I'm going to be Misty from pokemon. The 90s babies will know what that is as well as the parents. I'm really not sure how well known pokemon characters are outside my generation.

Here is a picture of the character. Its great becuase its really comfortable inexpensive to put together. I'm going to be indoors dancing on halloween so I wont even get cold!


I'm being a girl version of the zombie above c: He's the Hunter from the video game Left 4 Dead (the only reason I bought an xbox 360). c:
I remember Misty :) I used to watch the original pokemon. I'd say lots will know.
I finally finished building my Proton pack for my Ghostbuster costume! Just in time but I still have a few paint touch ups to do tomorrow before the party.

I built it out of stuff I bought at the dollar store, plastic containers out of our recycling and stuff I found in our garage. Couple things i'd do differently next time but it was really fun making it.

I'll hopefully have some costume pics tomorrow if I remember to bring my camera.


Haha this is me and my friend at our university halloween party last night. I am the vampire on the right with the blonde hair.


It was the best night!!

I was wearing a black corset, with black leggings and brand new hugggee black stilettos. With lace gloves and it was sooooooo fun!

my fiance and i are going to a halloween party tonight, and he is going as a gun slinging cowboy and i am going as an indian lol, kind of a last minute costume lol i found him a plaid farmers shirt i had to wear and i am native soo just found a cheesy tan dress thing i'm going to wear with tan leggings and my muck lucks lol i haven't dressed up for halloween for years!