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Yurusumaji wrote:

Me and my hubbs, September 24th, 2009. This was his Airman Leadership School Graduation where he was honored with the Levitow Award for being the top graduate in his class. He not only had the highest GPA exiting the class, but Levitow also honors him for being a shining example of what an Airman ought to be.
:great:Congratulations to your hubby. That is quite an accomplishment and he should be very proud. I retired from the Air Force in 2005. Thank you both for your service, military members can't do it without a supportive spouse.
Thanks everyone! The story of me and hubbs is actually a rather interesting one.

I'll tell it to you all soon. :)

Dave, I'm sure you know it can be really tough. This past year has been my worst nightmare. Still, I love the man and so I stand by him. I just keep hoping it gets better soon.
Yurusumaji wrote:
Dave, I'm sure you know it can be really tough. This past year has been my worst nightmare. Still, I love the man and so I stand by him. I just keep hoping it gets better soon.
It will, it will.
So a couple members were curious about the story of me and hubbs. It is an interesting bit of story, so here goes nothing.

I met hubbs on his birthday, June 14th, 2008 for the very first time. I saw him again a week later at our friends' D&D gathering and we were immediately taken with each other. The guy I was seeing at the time was there, but I guess everyone saw that was headed downhill rather quickly. For the next week I spent everyday except one with Nick. Everyone was furious. He was on leave after being deployed to Iraq and coming home from being based in Japan. He was only up for 2 weeks and then he was being flown to Texas and placed on a new base. I called, we did things. The attraction was immediate. Obviously I quickly split with the guy I was seeing to pursue this new fellow. What can I say? I'm a risk taker.

A couple days before he left he bought me a round-trip ticket to see him for a week at the end of July. This was to be a "trial" to see if we would still get along after being apart and then having to spend every moment together.

Nick left for Texas on July 1st. I dropped him off at the airport and on my way out I sent him a text that read, "I love you." and he sent one back that said, "I LOVE YOU TOO BABY!" I called as I was driving home to make sure he made it through security ok and at that time he asked me to stay when I came down to Texas and skip the flight home. I said I would. That night, his grandfather passed away. Nick returned to Michigan on July 3rd for his grandfather's visitation and I took the next week off work [even though I could afford no such thing] to go to the funeral with him and then spend the rest of his time home with him to show my support. He says the day of the funeral, July 4th, was the day he knew he was going to marry me.

After he went back to Texas he moved up my flight to July 14th. Our phone calls started moving toward talk about getting married and he started looking for an apartment for us. I spent the next week packing up my own place and getting everything boxed and making sure I had what I needed for my flight.

I got on the July 14th flight and man was I excited. After several hours of flying and one anxious layover I landed here in Abilene, TX and there he was waiting for me with Taco Bell. LOL.

There wasn't much in the way of planning for our wedding. We did a quickie wedding at the courthouse for a mere $20 with no one but us on August 1st, 2008. It was pouring rain that day - so bad our car stalled out and a good samaritan had to help hubbs push our car into a Whataburger parking lot. We skipped our nice dinner in favor of going home and getting delivery. LOL.

Both of my rings.

Hubbs was in Qatar from January 14th, 2009 until July 30th, 2009.

For our one-year anniversary I talked hubbs into getting name tattoos. I know, taboo! Despite what other people think and say about our choice, we are both very happy with our decision.



Aeternus is Latin for "Eternity".

I have one other tattoo I got several years before we met.

Johnny the Homicidal Maniac.

Another thing of interest is my health. I'm 22 and just turned it on October 26th, 2009. Still, I have a rather exciting medical history.

Newborn: Jaundiced and excessive vomiting.

16 years: Diagnosed with Chron's Disease and 5 ulcers - 2 in the stomach, 3 in the colon.

18 years: Right knee fills with fluid for 2 weeks every 3 months. This continues on and is still a problem. Severe anemia. Discovery of severe and extensive food allergies.

21 years: Arthritis-like problems start in left foot, move to right foot nearly a year later. Joints are red, swollen and very painful at base of toes and in arch and ankle. Anemia gets so bad a doctor actually tells me he can't believe I'm still functioning.

My husband is my lifesaver. I was working a fast food job full-time without insurance. I had no way to see doctors or get medications and I still have thousands of dollars in ER bills looming over my head. Today I can stay home with my little ones and work at my own pace on the house chores while my husband supports our family, takes care of me when it's needed and helps me on my hard days.

Despite all my health issues, I couldn't be luckier. :inlove:


I think I said OMG like 60 times. OMG your story of how you met was so at first sight...way to cool like serendipity

Then OMG at all the health stuff...OMG shocking...u r one lucky lady!!!!

If that is a current picture...UM U r thin as a rail- Jealous lol

Ya and another OMG on that beautiful ring!!!
well u r one lucky lady...Nick is so cute, watch out when I come visit my grandad in TX your hubby and your bunny will be Mine all Mine lol

The photo from his graduation is recent, just this past September. When I met him I told everyone I was marrying his rock hard abs. LOL!

On our 2nd date he said he didn't believe in love. He was cooking me a spaghetti dinner at the time. I look up at him and go, "You're an idiot." and he looked at me like O.O - HAHA! Apparently that was his "test" to make sure I was as strong-minded as I seemed. Or something. :p Guess I passed.

Like I said, I just knew. After we started seeing each other I just knew he was the man I would spend the rest of my life with. It's hard to explain, but it was very clear to me the whole time. My grandmother says she can see the love between us and she believes we'll be together forever. That felt really great to know she believes in us and that we have her blessing. My mother was shaky at first, but she came around fast. Now she loves him.
What a cute story!! :biggrin2:

Love the rings and the tattoo's!

You guys are such a cute couple. :)Thanks for sharing.
SweetSassy wrote:
What a cute story!! :biggrin2:

Love the rings and the tattoo's!

You guys are such a cute couple. :)Thanks for sharing.
Thank you very much. :)

I love my butthead, sharing our story is always a lot of fun for me.
Oh, I love your blog! Great tattoos, and those gliders are adorable! And the EL... those lovely ears!

Thank you for sharing!

I LOVE your blog. I love your bunny but the dogs… I ADORE! Love poms have one myself. My grandma has her sisters.
JadeIcing wrote:
I LOVE your blog. I love your bunny but the dogs… I ADORE! Love poms have one myself. My grandma has her sisters.
Poms are something special, aren't they? They are so stubborn, though!

Still, even on the days when they annoy the crap out of me I still adore them. They are loving little boys.

Though Apollo is our shy guy. He doesn't discriminate, he just hates everyone.
It's bunny room cleaning day at our house. I did all the animal cages on Monday, but her room wasn't bad yet. I do daily sweeping of poop, but the deep clean will be a once-a-week event. I got lucky, her yoga mats clean up a lot better and easier than I expected! It's now hanging up to dry.

I have to gate her out of her bathroom while doing cleanings and she hates it. I have never in all my days met a rabbit so against being out of her, uh, "cage". I mean, it's true she's got a ton of room and all of her stuff is in there, but I expected her to want to be out when I took the gate down. Nope. She always wants to go back in.

She's not aggressive toward me when I clean in there, but she does get her fat little tush in my way quite a lot. Lol! Thus why I lock her out. I feel bad, she always looks so upset at me for not letting her in her palace, but honestly, I'm a little taken aback at her dragging her ears through urine. Had to give them a good wiping yesterday. I wish she'd get this litter thing down. Nothing I'm doing seems to be working. Yet again, open to suggestions.

Lucky me. Even when she's not happy with me, she'll still let me torture her for a photo op.




She met our pup, Kuma, without the gate today. Unfortunately he got way too worked up and daddy had to kennel him so as to prevent any possible injury to Michiko. We'll try again later.


Husband is out-of-order as of late. New video game came out the other day and he's completely out of touch with the world. He'll stay this way until he beats it. He's set up a pillow throne for himself on the floor. His dog has taken it to mean it's cuddle time and will lay in hubby's lap while he plays his game. Lol. Crazy boys.

Husband's vacation starts on Veteran's Day, November 11th and he is taking until December 5th off of work. We had originally planned to go up north and visit family, but he's been gone for most of this year and we haven't had much time to spend with each other, so I asked that we not go home this year. He decided to still take the vacation days off of work, but we're just staying here instead and getting to know each other again. :hearts I am very excited.

At least I won't have a shortage of things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.
I love the pic's!! The last pic is so cute, the way she's sitting!!!LOl. :inlove:

I like your hair. It is short, but you can pull it off. :)
Thanks, April. It was "bootcamped", but I have always had short cuts so my hair grows quickly since I get it cut a lot. I love experimenting with my hair.

Anywho - I shaved it because I was actually ripping my hair out when I was stressed, bored, etc. It's an OCD condition I developed while hubbs was deployed. It wasn't getting better so hubbs shaved it for me so that the hair can grow back in undamaged and fresh and my bald/thin spots could fill back in. Now I'm just hoping this works and I've broken the habit. Guess I'll just go back to twirling my hair instead. LOL!

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