Goodbye to our little Charlene.

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Jul 1, 2007
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Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Charlene, our little Agouti Dwarf just passed to the Bridge. We are pretty sure she was ten if not older. Since all of our bunnies are rescues it's hard to know their true age. She came to us in the Summer of 2006--she'd been left behind in a house that was going thru foreclosure, left in a box in the garage. Normally this would have really upset me. However, she was sweet little bunny that had been socialized and well taken care of except for that one awful decision. If you saw the Super Bowl Seven-Up commercial a couple of years ago then you know exactly how she looked. She was always a happy little girl, especially when it was time for vegetables or treats--she would jump from her corner pan to her carpet on the other side of the hutch and run around in joyous anticipation. She was always a very friendly, nosy little bunny and loved to explore and arrange everything when she was out. I always thought she'd end up with a bare spot on her chin from marking everything. I've known for a couple of months that it was getting to be her time--she started slowing way down, not eating as much as she used to and not finishing off all her vegetable which was unheard of. When she first came to us she was a very shy little thing but it didn't take her long to become a trusting, sweet little bunny. Well, my little girl, rest in peace and binky free at the bridge. We love you and are going to miss you so much. Be sure to nuzzle Stockton, Nik-Nik, Bun-Bun, Lilly, Mel, Mr. B, Bonnie, Ted and Stewart and tell them we miss them all. Goodbye my little one, Blessed Be.:bunnyangel:
Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss, Larry. It was just yesterday that I read about Charlene on your blog. RIP, little girl. :rip: You'll be missed.
I'm so sorry. Binky Free Charlene.

She had a wonderful, happy life with you.

Charlene sounds like a little treasure. I'm so glad you were in the right place at the right time to take her in when she needed someone to care for her the most.

Blessings to Charlene, but also to you for trying to help the fur-babies who are in need.

Binky Free at The Bridge Charlene. :rainbow:

Pictures of Charlene



Hard to believe it's been more than two weeks since you left us. Sure do miss seeing you laying all stretched out and relaxed. No one else does the "happy dance" in the morning at treat and vegetable time--I'll always miss that too. Just thinking of you my sweet little girl and miss you so much. Bye for now, dad.
I am so sorry for your loss.

May you find comfort in knowing how much she was loved. She will be in your heart forever. You were a very wonderful bun-dad, Larry.

Binky free Charlene!

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