Going veggie :)

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Hi Michaela - I've been vegetarian for around 15 years now. I mainly did it because of the animal welfare issue (intensive farming and conditions animals are kept in) but also for health reasons. My hubby became veggie about 9 years ago. I still have dairy and free range eggs.

If you are feeling weak, it does sound like a mineral deficiency. How about getting in touch with the Vegetarian Society and asking them how to do it slowly/safely (they have some great recipes as well :))

I can honestly say I never miss meat now, although at first I used to dream of tuna mayonnaise sandwiches ;)

There are a lot of really good points in here. I'm mainly just trying to eat healthier, and am looking into tofu...

I've had tofu in Thai restaurants and liked it, ok.

Does anyome have any favorite tofu recipes, and how to prepare it? It's always been a weird mystery substance to me.
I wish I could be a vegetarian but I'm not allowed because A. anemia runs in my family and B. im very weak and skinny and need all the stuff in meat!

I wish I could tho I hate eating meat :(
missyscove wrote:
I'm not a vegetarian and will likely never become one, but I know a large number of people who are.
Make sure you understand what you're getting into. It is hard to get all the nutrients you need unless you really educate yourself about it and focus on eating what you need to. Meat is packed with vitamins and minerals that do exist in veggies, they're just harder to come by. I know several girls within my high school that were vegans and were forced to at least switch to vegetarian by their doctors because they simply weren't getting what they needed.

I completely agree with you. All it takes is researching PETAs history and you easily see how corrupt and psychotic their organization is. It genuinely is like a cult. I just don't understand this standpoint after growing up on a farm where we raised our own meat cows. I always feel that people have begun to really lose touch with the "field to table" reality in this modern world.

I think people should do what feels best for their bodies and that should be the only deciding factor.

Well I think it's nice having people in this world who respect animals feelings, but the only meat i wont eat is fish (nastey stuff) and rabbit (die you rabbit eating monsters), but i think your doin a good thin and you should keep up the good work.
It is nice :). But stopping meat consumption still won't help the problems with wild animal populations decreasing and the huge impact our urban sprawl has had on natural habitats being pushed out, and our pollution on seafood/fish and marine life. These will still go on even with cutting out farm animal consumption and it think they're much more serious. :)
Striker wrote:
die you rabbit eating monsters
Woah... wasn't going to step into this whole argument but thats a bit harsh isn't it? Everyone is entitled to their opinions but you have to respect other people, your point is valid but I don't think you should be so rude.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
Hehe, if you think being vegan/vegetarian is bad, my way of eating for the time being is way worse.. lol. Ever heard of the anti-candida diet? Try this on for size: no sugar of any kind ZERO, no fruit, no carbs, no vinegar, no starches, no alcohol in anything even extracts. :shock: It's semi-temporary, since fruit is so important, but yeah only meat and veg! Eeps.

I've done that diet two or three times now - only without meat as well. You have to be extremely self-controlled to be able to follow it faithfully. :?

I don't eat meat as such.

Firstly it was because we couldn't really afford meat for a while there, unless it was cheap fatty processed stuff, and now it's because my digestive system has a hard time with meat. I feel car sick if I eat any fresh meat (such as a steak, a lamb chop or a chicken breast) and dizzy and revolting.

Meat never was a big part of my eating anyway. I'm not the sort of person to eat a steak and 3 veg for dinner. I like to have random things :), like sandwiches or some cereal.

I eat a fair amount of egg whites which are an extremely high quality source of protein, I also take protein shakes (like what the muscle building people have), I make sure that I eat lots of fibre, vegies, fruit etc etc. Because I only ever really ate meat once a week though, I don't consider myself a vegetarian now, and if I buy a soup that has small meat chunks in it, I wont try to scoop them out, they don't make me feel ill.

I really love meat and in the last few months I have craved it like crazy and ended up eating some chicken or a bit of beef, but ended up puking them up later.
Yes, it's very hard and requires so much decipline and can last so long! Especially when you have a boyfriend that eats pancakes and bread and ice cream and other goodies, lol :pullhair::?. But combined with nystatin and removing heavy metals if you have candida, it really helps! :)
Gosh, that sounds terrible NZminilops, I'm sorry that happens! Have you tried taking Betaine HCL (hydrochloric acid our natural stomach acid) with meals that have any meat to help your stomach break them down? Or take broad-spectrum digestive enzyme supplement with meals too that has protease, bromelain, amylase, lipase, etc? And maybe a good probiotic?


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