Ghost Hunters

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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
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Land o' buns, New Jersey, USA
I just watched the spookiest episode about a haunted courthouse in my area.
It was in Elizabeth, NJ....about 25 miles from me.
i like that show and watch it often , but didnt see the one tonight. Some of that stuff really freaks me o ut sometimes
It comes on about 2 AM here on OLN.
Scares the bejeebers out of me every time... I can't watch if no on else is home:D

Love ghost stories, though! (Even reading gets me going sometimes, though... I've got this personal theory that if I don't pay attention to the ghost through film or story, maybe they won't bother me either, if I look unreceptive... brr!)
lol!!!!!!! hey whatever gets your through Autumn,lol. I too cant watch scary things if i am alone,lol
I used to love this show till one of the last episodes, the one where they were at a plantation and they caught that image of a figure on the thermal imager, now don't get me wrong I am a paranormal freak and have seen a full apparition, experianced many strange things, have had a partial possesion when I was only 17 and have seen possible demonic apparitions too! But, that image was almost definatly a person with a coat over their head! We actually stopped it on the bit and could clearly see the outline image of the coat!
I believe that the first load of seasons were the best especially some of the footage of appartions they caught i.e. at the St. Augustine lighthouse and at Southern state prison were brill, but I think the lack of footage recently, has forced them to possibly fake some footage to keep the ratings up. Now I don't like to think that this is TAPS wanting to do this but, more the fact that maybe the channel that broadcasts it making them do it. Anyways I'll check out this episode as it sounds good and see what happerns.
Ps. I've really been getting into a new series called ghost adventures, they allways get good evidence and if you can get the first epsisode from the first season at Bobby Mackies you will see some entertaining stuff! I definatly think they have the best paranormal show currently, they're is only 3 people, Zak, Nick and Aaron who are locked down over night in a paranormal location, Zak really likes to stir things up and usually gets great results from this. If you like ghost hunters I'd reckon you'd like this can be more scary though lol!
My next door neighbor just told me the Ghost Hunters are supposed to come to her house this Saturday night! She swears the house is haunted... she and her two daughters sleep together in one bedroom because they can't take the noises and banging and voices they hear...

This should be interesting...
cool keep us posted on what they find, i'll be eager to hear it!
Seriously? If this woman is hearing voices.... they're not ghosts!
well it depends noises can vary from the normal sounds that come from a house such as the heating/aircon kicking in, sounds or voices appearing to come from no where when, they can be coming in through air conditioning vents from other rooms or outside and in some cases they can be paranormal or unexplainable in origin.
It can depend on the occupants frame of mind, if they are convinced that the house is paranormal then, they can easily convice themselves that any household noise that, we would take for granted, suddenly becomes paranormal in origin.
If it's only noises that they here, then it might not be paranormal, it would be easier to come to that conclusion if they were seeing apparitions or things were moving or disappering around the house.
HA HA HA HA BLuegiants, lol. Keep us posted i want to see your neighbor
I don't watch TAPS anymore..just got too annoyed - it seemed they were more interested in taping their own dialogues and faces ...and not ever it seemed did they really get anything 'solid' on tape (with one exception where it showed a chair moving).

I really like Paranormal State - at least they bring in the spiritual aspect of the show along with the paranormal, technical side.
Ok.. this is a totally off the wall story, and I don't even know why i'm telling ya'll.. but at least its good for a laugh.

My best guy friend got blasted one night, and decided to drunk dial me, and every thing he said to me, for some reason, he talked just like he was one of the Ghost Hunters, who had just seen a ghost, and was scared out of his wits.

"Greg.. whats the matter with you?"

"CAAaaaaAAAAaaaaaAAARRRrrrRRoollll.....omg...OMG... I beeeeeenn DDDrrrIInnnIINnnKKinnnnn"

"Greg, what did you drink?"


(the entire time he was talking, his voice was going up and down.. from low pitch to high)

Then he proceeded to tell me exactly how many Jagerbombs he had had, but not by saying the number, but by saying Jagerbomb like a ghost hunter, for each Jagerbomb he had.

Then he ran screaming from the phone.

I eventually turned my phone off, because he kept doing it.. but you get the idea..

I can't watch anything have to do with ghosts. I only really majorly fear 2 things in life.....ghosts and frogs/toads.

Ah... I remember the night when my bed started singing.
Never been so scared in my life!!!!

Good call parents... get the kid a metal bed frame, and forget about the neighbour playing late night music. Guess my bedframe turned into a resonating chamber for the sound waves...

Was more than a bit creepy :p
I love Ghost Hunters! I was only able to watch a short part of this past Wed's episode, the part when they are revealing their evidence to that old guard guy? They showed the video tape of the feminine figure walking by and into a wall, this all in pitch black. When they showed it I literally lost my mind for a second, haha. I cannot watch that show alone though, I get so paranoid and constantly start looking behind myself and what not.
I can only watch that show occasionally, it totally freaks me out!

I don't care much for fictional ghost stories, but I really like reading REAL ghost stories. But watching it is just freaky!

My mom's best friend grew up in a house with 3 ghosts in it. When I was very young, we would go over there, and I was always very uneasy/frightened. It wasn't until older that I learned about the ghosts. House built in the 1920's. Ghost in the basement, no one knew who it was, but things would move around and be in a different spot than where you put them.
My mom's friend's grandparents had been living in the house when they died. Grandma mostly stayed upstairs, and would turn upstairs lights on and off, mostly in what had been her sewing room. I once saw the family dog get up from resting, go stare at the top of the stairs, slowly move it's head as if watching someone walk down the stairs, then go lie down again. No one was there, that humans could see. (That's the only one of the three I personally encountered.)
Grandpa's old car was still stored in the garage, hadn't run for years and years, no gas, oil, anything in it. More than once, it turned itself on. The garage was locked, no one in there, the car was locked with windows up, and it just suddenly started. The keys were in a kitchen drawer.

Wicked cool, Beth!!

(Maybe it should be on TV :D)

Honestly though, I would be surprised that if spiritual energy left this world as anything but light... all incoming solar radiation gets turned into countless things here (once it turns into heat, it's SOL for leaving for a while). The system doesn't waste a thing!

Quit your snickering, Cathy... it was scary :grumpy: :D
NorthernAutumn wrote:
Quit your snickering, Cathy... it was scary :grumpy: :D

I'm not laughing AT you... ready! Just the whole idea of a bed singing! :laugh:

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