Getting along with other bunny varieties?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
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We have a bonded pair of Dutch Bunnies: male and female, both fixed. If I were to add another one would it be best to stick with the Dutch Bunnies or can I intro any other type, like a Flemish Giant? I always have liked those. Or do you guys have suggestions on possible matches, type wise. I am not looking for the smaller kinds than the Dutch or lopped eared ones.
We are lucky that our shelter fixes all their bunnies before adoption.
I think the best thing is to take the pair on dates and let them pick out the new member of the family. My buns range in size from 3 to 10.5 pounds. The bonded mates are closer to each other in size but everybun plays together supervised. Bunnicula, my little dutch, is right there in the mix with the rest.

Breed doesn't really play a part in bonding. Size can be a consideration, but the personality of the rabbits involved is what really matters.

It can be tricky since you already have 2 bonded males. Having a bonded pair and adding rabbits to that can be hard as the 3 might not get along. You can have the new rabbit bond with only one of the existing rabbits and leave the other alone. Having the pair being males, they could fight over the other rabbit (if female) or just fight if the new one is male. While it is not impossible to introduce a 3rd rabbit to a pair, it can be hard and you do risk breaking up the pair.
It would be best to let your rabbits choose who they want. It is important that they find the right rabbit rather that what you want. With bonding, you have to take the feelings of the rabbits first over what you want.
Size and breed don't matter.

A trio does. Since you have a male and a female, I would possibly try a female as another male could cause fighting over the female.

Females tend to be more territorial so that could also be as issue.

There are members on here with more experience bonding trios that could help, but from what I understand it's a whole new ball of wax adding a third to a bonded pair. It can be possible, but it can prove very difficult.
Your post says you have male and female, but your avatar says 2 brothers. So not sure here.

I tried a trio but all 3 were being bonded at the same time (which is supposed to be easier). 2 were brothers and seemed to get along wonderfully at first. But in time it proved to not be working because of the 3rd bunny who was female. They both seemed to be too jealous over her and fights would break out.

Like some of the others on here, I also have heard that introducing a 3rd to an existing pair can be very difficult and risks breaking your original bond. Breed of bunny makes no difference when finding a suitable companion.
Blue eyes wrote:
Your post says you have male and female, but your avatar says 2 brothers. So not sure here.
We started out with the two brothers. One was sadly injured by a bob cat and died and I got the lonely one a female Dutch bunny. It was love at first sight.
From what I read here on this thread I think it is best to leave these two together and not mess up their good bond. Thanks everyone!
Yes it is very cute. We intro-ed them at the shelter and they immediately cuddled next to each other and she licked his face. (she came from a hoarding case)
They are never more then two feet away from each other while they have a huge hutch and outdoor run, ( now wild critter-proof).
My pairs were very easy to bond. Getting the three pairs to play nice has been harder.

If you really want more I would suggest getting another pair that bonds, then letting the four get together. Even when my group plays together the pairs are still clearly pairs. It's hard to explain the group dynamics.
Next question: the shelter often has bunnies from hoarders that have lived together (I mean the bunnies). So it would be possible to add two bonded females to my male and female. How does a "harem" like that tend to work out?
My male bunny is a very sweet one and he was the less dominant one from the two brothers. Or would it be better to intro babies, male or female?
I would not advise babies. They will all get along as babies BUT, at the time those hormones kick in for those babies, fights can ensue. Then you'd have to separate them again - even the babies from each other (so 3 cages). Then you'd have to get them spayed/neutered. Then allow time to heal. Then re-introduce all over again -- first, the babies back to each other (and hope they will re-bond). If they don't bond, then you're stuck with keeping them separate or getting new mates for each of them. However, IF they do bond again, then you'll have to then try again in getting that pair to go with your current pair.

minilophop has multiple bonded pairs that she can let play together but I think she has separate cages for each pair. She may have some more advice on multiple bonded pairs.

I think getting an already bonded pair from a rescue would be a better option.

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