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I don't really want to move, I like where I live.... But I would like to live in Japan

TPBM ______?
Definetly wants to move, asap. I live in a bombhole of a place where everything is too far away, jobs don't really pay and public transport is close to nonexistent.

Tpbm gets their rabbits vaccinated?/share a funny thing seen at the vet?
My pair just went in today. Storm didn't like being at the vet and tried to run away so badly that he bit his cheek and then tried to bite the napkin that wiped the blood. Fur was flying everywhere and the vet got a few scratches from him as a thank-you-not gift. Iris was worried and climbed over the vet's lap to see her hun. It was quite the spectacle and the lady was covered with at least half of Storm's loose fur by the end.
True to the bone. I struggle to understand most topics. Cannot stand it. Cannot comprehend how some people can geek over it like some wonder of the world. But there are also people who can't comprehend properly, lovingly caring for another living being or themselves, so it's no wonder that anything as common as math would fly over my head.

Tpbm is multilingual? What can you speak/write/understand?

TPBM lives in US
False, I can't draw well.... but it is fun

TPBM has blond hair
no , i have brown hair(wanna add blue streaks to it🤩 )

tpbm is under the age of 20

(if not comfortable with answering age)
tpbm has a electric/acoustic guitar
No, but my dad has an electric guitar, and is teaching my brother to play it (he’s teaching me the trumpet).
Also true, I’m 14

TPBM knows how to play an instrument
Ewwwww, cooked carrots. I hate cooked carrots for their mushy texture. I love almost any variation of fresh carrots though, mostly in salads with lemon juice or just as a snack.
I did just share two fresh carrots with my pair. They got the long leafy tops and i took for myself the orange sticks. Storm stretches so far up to get the treats, and his paws are huge when i hold them for his support. Iris will try too and lean on me as soon as i leave my hand for her to do so, and it's the most adorable thing of hers.

Tpbm has started to accumulate some rabbit decor after becoming an owner? I have a bowl with a bun on it for the pair's water, a small white bunny lamp and a decorative realistic rabbit which i think is supposed to be garden decor.
Tapestry, all kinds of statuary, carved amethyst and amber, figurines and cartoon bunnies, etc. We have brought things back from every country and state we have traveled to--57 so far. TPBM likes to see live performances>

TPBM favorite song
Idk, I have been inn a city once for about an hour.

TPBM watches spider man. 😂

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