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Storm is 1y 7 1/2 m (~30.02.2020)
Iris is 9 1/2 m (~30.12.2020)

Tpbm, does your rabbits' eye colours match yours?
I would, but i have nowhere nearby to go hiking, and since i don't have a liscense and dad is often busy, i can't. He was planning to take us on a short camping night next weekend though.

Tpbm, how much do you like lightning? (Thinking more of just observing it from a safe place)
I love watching it. I remember once when I was little my parents took me outside after I had fallen asleep. I woke up laying on our porch swing next to my parents watching the thunder, lightning and rain. It is one of my favorite memories.

TPBM what is one of your favorite memories
When it comes yo lightning, my strongest memory is of when i was about 14 or so. I was in summer camp and it was leisure time so we went swinging with a couple of roommates. Lightning and strong downpour soon followed but we still continued swinging and observing the weather. When the adults had managed to usher us back in, we were soaking wet.

Tpbm, what do you dislike?
Bananas and celery. Don’t ask me why they just don’t taste right to me.
TPBM favorite beverage?
It's not only that I like it a lot, but to get the oven to temperature I need to keep a really strong fire going, those are the rare days in winter when it really gets comfy warm in my house :D

BTW, Congratulation to your 17.000th post :)

TPBM knows a simple, good pumpkin recipe (besides soup or stew, I harvested way too much... :) )
Did not notice 17 K. Used to have a wood cook stove for cooking and heating 6 decades ago--used black Oak when I cooked a turkey--8 hours of keeping temp just right. TPBM knows a simple, good pumpkin recipe(besides soup or stew, Preitler harvested way too much...
Cut it into slices, mix with oil, ground black pepper, salt, parprika, garlic powder and cayenne pepper. Put it on a foil lined tray and bake until slightly crisp on the outside and still soft in the inside. Yummy roast pumpkin :)
(I made that recipe orginally for butternut squash but I'm sure it'd work for other squashes too)

TPBM is tall
Yes! I'm 5'6 at 13 years old. It's kind of hard as I'm taller than most of my friends.

TPBM is an equestrian and does eventing...
Yes! I do! When I have somewhere exciting to hike to, like the woods or somewhere nature relating.

TPBM has attempted to ride a bike uphill without getting off it. (I did. My legs hurt for hours afterward.)
Yeah. Before I owned a car I used to bike everywhere

The person below me prefers gatorade over powerade

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