From the Pen of Poe

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Hahahaha I love these pics!! The one of him sticking his face into the hay is hilarious! So funny. I'm a big fan of your Poe, he is so handsome :) And his nose looks so pink in the sun!
Amanda, I try to get him out whenever the temperature change wouldn't be too great for him. Today it was nice and sunny, but the wind was too cold. I didn't want to chill him. I do so want to take photos of him for the Buns Go Green contest, though. So, I'm hoping it warms up soon. I don't publish my calendars, but not because I don't want to. I just never seem to have the free time to create one to send to a publisher enough in advance. It also would take me using just photographs that I take or that I have permission to use for my sketches. That's a lot of leg work.

Thank you, Gina, Myia and Rosemary. He is a wonderful boy. He's cuddly, but still has the rex attitude that makes me laugh.
Fingers crossed the weather warms up for you, the contest sounds like fun! :) Our weather is fine but we have myxomatosis here in Aus thanks to our government. The vax is prohibited here :Xand it is fatal, so I'm too chicken to let her outside!

It does sound like a lot of work, I can understand not wanting to do it professionally but I figured it was worth asking about as it's too cute and the style is lovely!
We went away for Mother's Day weekend. We left Saturday, came home Sunday. I considered bringing Poe, but things conspired against me to do so.

Friday night, Kirby the Klutz got up too quickly, banged his head on the underside of one of the tv trays, lifting it up and then banging it down on his paw. He started limping. I went out and bought some baby aspirin. I felt it all over and nothing seemed to be broken. We tried to put a bag of frozen peas on it, but he was having nothing of that! We gave him a bath, and still nothing stood out.

Saturday morning, his toe was swollen and red. We decided to make the trip down to my parents and see a vet there, so we wouldn't miss my niece's baby shower at 3. This meant we were leaving a little earlier than I thought we would. I knew we'd be running around with Kirby, and it would be a more stressful event for Poe if he had to be carted in and out of vet offices.

So, we stocked his cage with tons of hay. We gave him things to play with/tear apart. His water bottle was full to the brim. He really was only missing one pellet meal.

Kirby was seen by the vet, put on 5 different medications, twice a day, and is looking much better.

We got home yesterday around 6:30. I told the kids to go check Poe's water and food.

There was no Poe in the cage.

Somehow he had shifted his cage around enough to escape. As I walked over to my desk, he bounded out to greet me and we held him and kissed him.

Then the hunt was on. Where did he decide to hang out during his unplanned freedom run?

There was a pile of poop on the couch, where he also peed on some folded towels and shirts.

There were piles of poop in the kitchen. I'm wondering if he ate the food Kirby left in his bowl. Should be some interesting poops over the next few days. I'm sure he drank his water.

There were poops strategically "hidden" all over the black rug in front of the tub. He seemed to have left both of the kids' rooms and my bedroom alone.

That's what we have found SO FAR!!!

My next paycheck, we will be buying a larger, sturdier cage for Poe. I suggested NIC, but hubby wants to buy something else...for now. I don't know if he'll change his mind once he sees the prices, though. :)
That's my Poe for ya!

I went home for lunch today and spent 40 minutes with him, eating on the porch so he could hop around. It was so nice!
I'm getting my summer paychecks this coming Friday. I have to use a lot of the money to pay for summer camp for my kids. I don't want to touch most of it, because it would be lovely to have something in savings.

However, one of the purchases we are definitely a new cage for Poe. :) We're not sure if we're making it...or buying it. I'm artsy fartsy, but I'm not good at the whole woodworking thingie. I'm not sure what we'll end up with. I'm excited to look, though!
Elf Mommy wrote:
. I'm artsy fartsy, but I'm not good at the whole woodworking thingie. I'm not sure what we'll end up with. I'm excited to look, though!

lol - im the same - i was brought up by grandparents, grandad was a master carpenter and cabinet maker. he was a genius at making any thing from wood. sadly i didnt inherit his talent:grumpy

im guessing poe needs a high security cage given his previous 'form'!

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