Freezing water, help?!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2009
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, Ontario, Canada
Since Flurry thinks that it is absalutly crucial to tip her water bowl she has a metal untippable small dog bowl. It works great but when it freezes the ice dosnt come out like a plastic bowl. Does anyone have suggestions for plastic bowls that don't tip or one that's easy to get ice out of?
Could you somehow anchor your plastic bowl down (glue it to a brick?) or tie it to the cage somehow? Then she wouldn't be able to tip it?

Can you run the dish under warm water to pop the ice out?

They have plastic crocks that attach to hutches to keep Flurry from tipping it. If you have electricity near the hutch a heated water bowl is another option, they have them that attach to hutches as well.

Hope that helps!
What about a heavy ceramic dog bowl? My rabbits can't tip those when they try.

If the whole thing is freezing solid, it's a good idea to check it and replace the water more often.
Yup, replacing water more often would be really good... water is vital to bunny health in cold temperatures. (Especially what`s been hitting you guys down there in the south... brr!) I have read that placing a float or bobber (like a fishing bobber) in the water bowl will prevent ice from forming.

Here is a link to heated pet bowls:
Just run an extension cord out to Flurry`s shed (like you would with x-mas lights) and you`ll be good to go!
The bowls seem to range between 20 and 40 bucks.

Once you get the bowl, your dad can run a loop of wire around it (coathanger works), and clamp it or nail it to the wall.

I`ll draw a picture in a sec :)
I have an electric light out there so I can plug a bowl into that. Knowing Flurry would probably throw the bobber at me!! Thanks for the tips I'll be sure to try them :)
You could get a second bowl and then change them out every day. That way the one that is frozen can have a chance to thaw before putting back in the cage again. You have to be very careful with almost any bowl if it's frozen as they will break if you try to break/remove the ice. I used to use tupperware bowls when I had bunnies outside. That way when they froze I could hit them on the ground or even pop the ice out of them without them breaking.

I used to check and change water twice a day in the winter when my bunnies were outside. I wanted to make sure they always had access to water.
I like that fishing bobber idea! Never thought of that before. My rabbits are all in the garage, so it doesn't get to freezing temps out there, but it's a good suggestion to keep in mind for my 4-Hers. :)
Right now I'm using a plastic margerine container so I'm not too worried about it breaking.I change her water twice a day and it still freezes in that short of a time. Getting the ice out of the plastic container isn't a problem. The problem is that She insists that she needs to tip the bowl :(. Her dog bowl is spill-proof but getting the ice out is hard. I think I'm going to get a second one and just replace them so once one freezes I can put the other one out.
What about buying a large heavy crock style bowl and then putting the smaller plastic bowl inside of it? That way you can lift the plastic bowl out and get the ice out or change it for a different bowl but she won't be able to tip the crock.
doggie0506 wrote:
Right now I'm using a plastic margerine container so I'm not too worried about it breaking.I change her water twice a day and it still freezes in that short of a time. Getting the ice out of the plastic container isn't a problem. The problem is that She insists that she needs to tip the bowl :(. Her dog bowl is spill-proof but getting the ice out is hard. I think I'm going to get a second one and just replace them so once one freezes I can put the other one out.
IMO, if it is freezing that fast, I would definitely go with the heated bowl.
or you could order a heated bottle or bowl may be your best source

or you could go to and do a search for "rabbit water bottle heated" or "water bowl heated" Be sure to read any reviews.

I would give you a direct link but don't know for sure how to remove my affiliate link.
Sorry, I checked at Bass Equipment and they have nothing affordable. Google "rabbit supplies" and you will find several suppliers with more affordable options.

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