For Those Whose Rabbits 'Thump' ...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2004
Reaction score
, Georgia, USA
I haven't seen this happen yet! :( I've love to see it.

Could you please describe it? Do they "thump" justthe hind feet, all feet, one foot at a time, both?

If you even have a link to an online video, that would be helpful.

Thanks in advance!
Tramp's favorite activity is to thump at us. Tookus a little while (being new bunny parents) to figure out what wasgoing on as he is actually very loud. You almost don't see anythinghappen at all it's so fast but he just takes one back leg and slams itdown hard. I swear there have been a few times I thought he would breakthe tray under him!
The fact that you haven't seen it is probably agood thing... My understanding is that they do it when theyare mad, or as a warning to other rabbits when there is danger near (sowhen they are scared)

If I pick kibbles up when he doesn't want to be held, I will get a thump when I put him down, guaranteed.

Maybe some rabbits are more temperamental than others...
yes that is very true, rabbits thump when they arescared, angry, or unwell. I found that out the hard way, my firstrabbit was thumping the whole night before he died, unfortunaltly ididn't realise the reason why he was doing this. I'm not sure aboutonly one foot though, the rabbit i own now seems to do it with bothhind feet at the same time and she makes a heck of a noise too!

My rabbits kinda keep boths front legs on theground and stamp their back ones together. This is sometimes followedby a leap in the air, a 360 turn (in the air)...
Megan will use one foot, or sometimes she uses both back feet at the same time. She'll thump loud then she'll run away.
My rabbits always thump when I'm doing somethingthey don't like or when they hear a sound that bothers them. If theyare just doing itto tell me I did somethingtheydon't like I usually thump my foot too, because they'redoing something I don't like:p!

Lucky you for not hearing a thump yet! You either have a very laid back bunny or you do everything right.

We ahd a thump a thon last night as there was afestival and the shot of fireworks. My husband ran outside to see ifthere was a bomb or something and they thumped the whole 30 minutestaking turns of course when their legs got tired
My older rabbit Hazel thumps when I put her backin her hutch after shes been out for a while. She likes being out butsometimes its the opposite and she thumps when she wants to stay in!She looks to thump with both her hind legs.

Only one of my two babies have thumped. She doesnt do it as much nowthough but Vitani used to thump when I tried to pick her up.Because shes so small I cant tell whether she uses bothlegs.Kiara has never done it. They are more comfortable withme now as I stopped trying to pick them up and let them come to methemselves.

Siobhan xXx

Oh, wow! These are all very interesting accounts of thumping!

Thank you all for sharing. I wish I could see Shermando this just once. He's a good one for pouting, but nothumping yet.

I tell you, these little bunnies are reallysomething. Their personality quirks and idiosyncrasies cankeep you mesmerized for hours! :)
Oreo usually thumps if something falls and makes aloud noise & scares her, or she will thump once before shecharges off to binky lol She's a nut :p

BunnyMommy, a thump is hilarious actually (comingfrom Jade not Jezebel-since Jezebel shows much more expression and isstartin to be a regular chatty patty with all her weird sounds) ButJade? haha She does it sometimes just to make sure she is still alive Ithink, that girl is the most placid bunny you have ever seen in yourlife (she still allows me to trance her) I know I am repeating myself,but sometimes a thump is NOT in anger or from being scared. Its a hulloor a happy thump, even a "look MOM, I am about to BINKY" (and I havebeen practicing this new move alllllll night)

Hi all Ryan again,

I know this post is pretty much answered but im gonna chip in anyway,it is fact that Thumping is natural instinct, it is usedbyrabbits to communicate quickly when danger is near, nowrabbits perceive danger as a door opening or footsteps, so this countsfor any bun.

They also use it as a warning to a predator, it says "I see you, bewarned" because not many people know that rabbits are terribly strong,in a fight a rabbit can do lots of damage by kicking a predator or interritorial fights.

Most pet rabbits will thump when something is annoying them, this canbe anything that surprises them, sounds strange or moves fast, allthese things are perceived as danger by buns :)
The first time Cookie did it, I wasn't quite surewhat I heard. He ended up doing about 3 or 4 times before Icould catch him in the act and then get my husband to see it.I was exercising in the living room ( I bet he thumped because Iprobably looked pretty silly, bouncing and hopping around.)Now he's used to me exercising and looking silly.

I thought that rabbits thumped repeatedly like Thumper did inBambi. I knew why they did it, I just thought it would sounddifferent, so that's why it didn't click in at first.


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