Foods for weight gain please

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Feb 11, 2021
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Hello! I have 7 year old bunny who has lost a lot of weight very quick (younger bunny steals her food, she is arthritic and cant get to it quickly), and I need some foods to slowly introduce that will help her gain weight (per vet advice). I am feeding them completely separately now as they both have different dietary requirements, but I need a gentle food for weight gain for my older bunny. Vet has suggested oats but nothing else. She can't have super sweet foods like dried fruit but really likes soft foods like banana. Her pellets have been increased too (vet advised, from half a handful to a full handful. (see bunny below thats her)

Any suggestions welcome<31673126383356.png
Was there any discussion around supplementing CC feeding to help with weight gain? That way the incoming calories are still well-balanced as well (relative to overly feeding treats or something else).
If she's being fed separately, then she should be able to gain her weight back gradually and safely. Unlimited hay, pellets and... does she get greens daily too? I would not advise too much banana since the high sugar can upset the bacterial balance in her gut. Small amounts would be fine (like 1" slice per day).

How much hay does she eat?
You could try adding Science Selective Pellets, also I noticed Oxbow has a senior rabbit pellet now as well the science selective is alfalfa baced so it's good for helping sick and senior buns gain weight. They have a few different formulas House Rabbit an Adult and young rabbit and some formula for 4 plus year old rabbits. The rabbit rescue I volunteer at uses the adult formula pellets as a treat for all the rabbits as it's Alfalfa based it makes a good healthy treat.

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