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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2010
Reaction score
Aligarh, , India
Well, see my brother has got a pet parrot and frankly, i quite like him, he eats seeds of a kind of wheat, so yeah he threw some down and my insquisitive and curios buck, Buggs, consumed them on the spot.i usually feed them lettuce, grass and as a treat crisps :D . the seeds are cheap ;)and i was wondering whether i should add it as a treat?

he is eating fine and performing his naturual function i.e peeing and pooping. and nother is wrong with them.

my doe however will not touch the seeds.

(the seeds are fatty)

and my rabbits don't drink water?????
They do better with less starchy foods, oats would be better, they're higher in fiber (starch=bad, fiber=good), but a few seeds as treats shouldn't hurt if he's not overweight and if the ones he had didn't cause an upset.

Just a few though.

Some bunnies have 'guts of steel' while others can be sent into a gut imbalance (usually signaled by 'poopy butt') by eating too many carbohydrates and it can be deadly.

At least the whole seeds are way better than processed starches.

Fatty liver disease is another potential problem. If he is overweight, best not to let him have the seeds.

Hope this helps!

sas :bunnydance:
ASKidwai wrote:
Well, see my brother has got a pet parrot and frankly, i quite like him, he eats seeds of a kind of wheat, so yeah he threw some down and my insquisitive and curios buck, Buggs, consumed them on the spot.i usually feed them lettuce, grass and as a treat crisps :D . the seeds are cheap ;)and i was wondering whether i should add it as a treat?

he is eating fine and performing his naturual function i.e peeing and pooping. and nother is wrong with them.

my doe however will not touch the seeds.

(the seeds are fatty)

and my rabbits don't drink water?????
never feed seeds to a rabbit,,it will cause intestinal problems which lead to a painful death.//.first we need a proper diet,,,70% hay ie.timothy/ochard grasses-(non digestible fibers)-a small amount of quality/lowfat pellets,,and a few digestible,graasses,clovers.//.there is a safe list on website called..adopt a rabbit society,,or,,house of rabbit...nondigestible grasses-hay-is the bulk of the diet,,,.if it is not the rabbits life will be shortlived,,..sincerely james waller:wave::rose:--rabbits require lots of water,,ie.bowl and bottle server,,might try wetting some greens if their seems to be a no drink problem:biggrin2:
Hey James,
If i Wet the grrens, they don't touch it, they wait untill it is dry and the gobble it.
I am worried as the graass they eat is moist with dew.
Not even as treats.? Seeds i mean. I do not give them pellets as they are not available here.
they live on greens, a teensy bit of bread and they have lot of soil to dig.
You can feed rabbits so many things. Most seeds are fine (in limited amounts), it depends on the area you live in and what they're used to. A rabbit being allowed to eat a wide variety of 'forage' foods like grasses, hays, veggies, trees and other plants won't choose something bad for it with rare exceptions like a very few berries, leaves and woods, you have to research what grows in your area.

The commercial rabbit foods sold in North America aren't as dire as they're made out to be, they're just fattening which can be very dangerous for rabbits. (Fatty liver disease is really a silent killer). Some of those packaged foods lack fiber, but not all.

A diet of mixed veggies, grasses, hays, etc, is the best bet. I honestly think we have more problems with a lack of variety than too much.

Do you have berry leaves and stems like mulberry there? That would be a good 'base' staple. There are probably even weeds and flowers that would be great for variety.

It will be easier to look up what plants should NOT be eaten in your area instead of which ones can be eaten.

sas :bunnydance:
Here is a list of foods that your bunny can have (you probably eat all of these at your house :) ):

From the Lagomorph Library...

INDIA Rabbit-safe Foods:
in Bengali
INDIA Rabbit-safe Foods: in Hindi

***A few sultanas/raisins are a great treat.

Wash all of the veggies and leaves before giving them to Bugs Bunny.

Only try one new food a week. That way, you make sure the new food doesn't make your bunny sick.

If you haven't tried one of these foods before on your bunny, only give them a very small amount the first time, OK?
Then, next time, give a little tiny bit more. Look at their poop, and make sure it looks normal.

(Remember, if it is too rotten for you to eat, you shouldn't feed it to Bugs bunny :) )

ASKidwai wrote:
Hey James,
If i Wet the grrens, they don't touch it, they wait untill it is dry and the gobble it.
I am worried as the graass they eat is moist with dew.
Not even as treats.? Seeds i mean. I do not give them pellets as they are not available here.
they live on greens, a teensy bit of bread and they have lot of soil to dig.
my rabbits are kinda finicky about the wet plants too.//.pellets are for vitamins and nutrition,,,they only get a small portion daily,//,hay-,ie-timothy/orchard grass/yard grassis their main staple,,,alternatives to pellets-(unavailable) is a different matter,i don,t know of a good substitute for pellets,-order online-oxbow products,??..try wesites like,, house of rabbit society,,adopt a rabbit society,,h..a.r.e.society,,..sincerely james waller:wave::rose:-just wanted to add-no bird seeds,,but i believe pumpkin,sunflower,,which is a larger seed is tolerable,,there is a gi tract problem with bird seeds called diverticulitus,,-results is not good
Teh veggies are usually cauliflower leaves, lettuce, gourd, guavas, apple cores, carrot but mainly they live on grass and lettuce.
Nah, I nevergive my rabbits Bugs and Bunny anything rotten.
I give them ber ( it might be listed in NorthernAuthums library).
aHow about rose petals?
Honestly, i think taht they wouldn't pellets i mean they already have greens,
No shops for rabbit fod or any animals, apart from fish food.
the nearest big town is 200 miles away from home.
They live on greens.

How are tea leaves for them??
Sounds like a great diet to me. Pellets aren't necessary.

I think tea leaves are on the 'do not feed' list. One of those 'destroys nutrients' things.

Rose petals are great.

sas :bunnydance:
ok, i will take care not to feed them tea leaves.
they still don't drink water???
i am also very confused because Bugs and Bunny don't seem to like it inside the hutch anymore.
when they are outside, they are fine but when inside they look very pitiable with a woebegone expression
ASKidwai wrote:
Teh veggies are usually cauliflower leaves, lettuce, gourd, guavas, apple cores, carrot but mainly they live on grass and lettuce.
Nah, I nevergive my rabbits Bugs and Bunny anything rotten.
I give them ber ( it might be listed in NorthernAuthums library).
aHow about rose petals?
Honestly, i think taht they wouldn't pellets i mean they already have greens,
No shops for rabbit fod or any animals, apart from fish food.
the nearest big town is 200 miles away from home.
They live on greens.

How are tea leaves for them??
roses-,are actually rose hips/vitamin-c,,which is good,,,but no apple seeds,please--check out the house of rabbit society,,or adopt a rabbit society,,safe and unsafe lists,,-you will be astonished at what you find,,,example tomatoes/ok--plants are deadly--apples are great,,the seeds are arsenic,,,weird stuff like that...sincerely james waller:wave::rose::shock::bunnydance:
ASKidwai wrote:
ok, i will take care not to feed them tea leaves.
they still don't drink water???
i am also very confused because Bugs and Bunny don't seem to like it inside the hutch anymore.
when they are outside, they are fine but when inside they look very pitiable with a woebegone expression
Can they come and go on their own? I like designing a hutch/cage/pen that the bunnies will run to when they're afraid. It has to feel like a completely safe 'home' to them.

Hard to match the great outdoors, keeping in mind bunnies instinctively burrow and build underground warrens, but I have my pens set up so they can go in and out on their own, they have at least one 'hide box', a cover over at least half the pen (especially over the top), a shelf so they can view their surroundings, and some places to dig or at least some cardboard tubes or boxes to use as a tunnel or second 'hide' area. Food, treats, water, hay and grass is given to them in their pens.

Do you have pictures of their hutch?

sas :bunnydance:
no, they cannot come and go on their own, i mean there is a solid wall seperating the hutch and the outdoors, as well as a door.
When ever i leave them outside, i am with them as well,
yes they have very very big burrow so whenever they feel unsafe they go there.
i have been told that bunnies bite their tongues and commit suicide when they are pursued relentlessly by predators.
their burrow has only 1 entrance and exit, andi think that if a cat got in, well they wuold be cat food.
and JamesWaller, i do not give them seeds of anything apart from guava's.
Ah, sorry, I thought they were in the hutch outside. :)

Just remind them how much safer they are inside!

You can still make their inside hutch more interesting. Make sure they have 'project', toys and 'munchies' to graze on.

sas :bunnydance:
Yeah, i tell them again andagain but whenever i try, they both start grooming themselves, annoyingly
Video about rabbit safe vegetables and other rabbit health related videos, too.


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