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Oct 19, 2010
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Can someone please shed some insight into the reasons and politics of fighting amongst rabbits?
Which combinations and relationships work the best and which are the worst?
Do they settle down after the initial battles or will they fight until one is badly injured?
By the way, I have a large run, but it doesn't seem to make much difference in regards to whether or not they fight or not.
Some rabbits just will not get along and can seriously hurt or even kill each other.

Some buns will g at it until they decide which one is top bun.

To really be able to bond rabbits the rabbits should both be spayed/neutered first and be given time for the hormones to be completely gone from the system. From everything I have read the best bond is between a male/female although it really can depend on each of the buns and their personalities.
Thanks very much Pagal. I've tried to make sense of it and it seems quite complex and hard to know which combinations of individuals will work. It even seems to change over time and according to some unseen rythym/cycle. Reproductive females seem to become particularly aggressive towards other females for some reason, yet when they're not in season they seem to tolerate each other.
If anyone else can shed some light on the subject it would be appreciated.
How many rabbits do you have together? If they fight,
Id keep them separate, especially if theyre intact.

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