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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2009
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Gosford, , Australia
Argh! Why do we have to have them! So stupid and fricking worthless and dumb and frick frick frick frick! I hate this so much! Urgh!

Is it really that hard just to find someone to be happy with! I mean argh! Whenever i have something good going it always ends and I end up in tears drinking my way till i forget and then all my friends get angry at me and then it's just so fricking annoying.

The amount of times I've heard someone say 'You don't need someone to be happy' they have no fricking idea what they're talking about, because they're just as miserable as I am. Yeah sure I'm worse but urgh. Without someone around, to hear my stupid thoughts, the ones that just come out, without someone who doesn't judge me and doesn't have any expectations i'm just a wreck.

I mean is it seriously that fricking hard just to find someone who wants to just lie in the sun and talk s4 about the world.

I mean! Urgh!

All the time it's just one excuse or another, everyone is so caught up in their own worlds.


and what the hell does lucy have anything to do with it. If I want to spend my spare time with my rabbit then leave me the frick alone.

I just feel so c4 right at the moment. I beat my head against the wall until i got a headache then crawled in to bed and cried for an hour, but i can't even do that, apparently i'm just being mopey and sad.

Why can't I ever just find someone, I don't care what they look like, I just want someone to sit and hold my hand you know? Just someone who doesn't care that sometimes the only thing I CAN do is cry, someone who doesn't need me to be someone else, someone stronger just so that they have someone. It's always about me, me, me, fricking me! I just! Argh! You're not the only one who's life is an emotional rollercoaster, maybe i need it to be about me right at that time because everything's falling apart.

If anyone wants me I'll be in the chat sulking.
Oh my...sorry to hear about your troubles....

It is hard to find someone who you "gel" with. Humans by nature are so quirky that to end up with a soul mate sometimes means you have to pick through the thorns to find the rose... and then once you meet that person, there's a lot of give and take to go through. I would NEVER want to have to go through that again. I have friends who went through premarriage counseling here - called pre-Cana in the Catholic church - and both had lavish weddings with big hopes and dreams and sadly, both are divorced.

Folks told me Tim was wrong for me...the reverend married us "with reservation." My MIL never ceases to tell my hubby he could have married a rich girl... but hey... in the Middle Ages a girl with horses and a hunting dog had quite the dowry! :) And MIL's friend whose son married an "heiress" is getting divorced because she does not want to be married to him anymore....so much for all the money she has.

We grew up a lot over the years... there was crap he does that I hate and he hates having many animals but he deals with it. We were told, grow together but have your own interests.

Here I am, married for 21 years in August and still would not change a thing...but my motherly advice would be - don't search - let it happen and come to you. If you need time with your rabbit, spend time with your rabbit. Lucy will give you sensitivity training beyond the talents of your mates - but hang out with them too.

The same advice was given to me YEARS ago... and I was asked by a coworker if I wanted to go on a date with her friend's son. Having gone on some disastrous blind dates, I said a reluctant "yes". It did not click immediately for me but eventually, it did. I would come home from work on a Tuesday (back then Tuesdays at the vet clinic were bad days for me) and find a big bouquet of flowers he picked for me with a note "Goodbye Blue Tuesday" (we are both Kurt Vonnegut fans).

Best wishes to you - and hopefully you don't have to drown your sorrows in beer... better to talk to Lucy and enjoy her wonderful company... but when the time comes that you meet a special someone, warn Lucy that she will have to share. My first horse was very selective over who was allowed to be near me - some of my dates were bitten and had toes stepped on... they had to pass the "Courageous" test (that was her name). Tim passed with flying colors... and I am sure there is someone out there for you that will find binkies absolutely adorable and won't mind watching sunsets and fog roll in on the ocean...moonlit nights...

Honestly, I think everything happens for a reason. I had a horrible marriage my first go-round. However, if I had not been in that marriage, I would never have my son. I needed the misery I went through to really appreciate the man I'm married to, now.

It's not all roses for me now, either. There are some big thorns that I had to trim off. There are some thorns that still stick me in the fingers. I come with a lot of emotional baggage that he has to deal with, as well. I think it's meant to be difficult, though. You'll know when it's right.

Your heart's in the right place, Dave. Get out there and do something that you really enjoy. Chances are, you'll bump into the "right" one with similar interests, doing something you love.
Elf Mommy wrote:
However, if I had not been in that marriage, I would never have my son.

My mom tells me she can never regret her first marriage because she had me and my brother. That makes up for dealing with my father and his crazy family.
my family has always had regrets, i'm the biggest.
Yeah, a good news/bad news thing. People who tend to be overly creative and intelligent also tend to be overly emotional (whether they make that apparent or not).

The price of being 'special'.

Based on your posts, poetry and art, you're in that category.

Try and control it, but never lose it.

And chances are regardless that at your age you're going to be kissing a lot of frogs -- or at least similarly emotional partners -- for a few years yet. Hormones make it so much worse. Even boring teenagers don't 'do' relationships well. Marrying your 'high-school sweetheart' is something you may hear about a lot, but only because it's noteworthy. Nobody puts in their bios, 'I dated 37 woman before meeting so-and-so'. But that's certainly more the norm.

You're a popular guy in this neck of the woods, at least when you're not a 'sulky idiot' or trying to push buttons. ;)


sas :biggrin2:
I agree but I love your God posts....


I know how you feel. I had a really hard time in high school, and I still have a hard time a few years later. I'm just an awkward sort of person, and I don't like people company other than at work (for the most part). I love having little critters to come home to. People think that's weird, but that's too bad. They're my best friends, they don't pass judgment (unless I'm late with their salads), and who can't smile when you look at a bunny? :)

In the end, people suck. There are a few who are decent, but overall, a lot of people are just jerks.
kherrmann3 wrote:

I know how you feel. I had a really hard time in high school, and I still have a hard time a few years later. I'm just an awkward sort of person, and I don't like people company other than at work (for the most part). I love having little critters to come home to. People think that's weird, but that's too bad. They're my best friends, they don't pass judgment (unless I'm late with their salads), and who can't smile when you look at a bunny? :)

In the end, people suck. There are a few who are decent, but overall, a lot of people are just jerks.

Oh, I so agree! My mother was worried I would never meet anyone as I would rather spend time with my first horse. :) I was also very awkward and just related to animals better as they were not judgmental, as Kelly said. Guys would break my heart repeatedly (I would get stood up a lot) but my horse was always glad to see me and spend time with me.


Kherrmann3, I'm exactly the same kind of awkward person. I love my animals, and love nothing more than coming home to them, and my husband is now having major issues with the fact that I don't have many friends and don't like to socialise with people. I've been the same all my life, but he suddenly has taken issues with it after 11 years.

Dave, that person will be out there, someone will come along when you least expect it, and love Lucy as much as you do!
Saudade wrote:
my family has always had regrets, i'm the biggest.

Oh Davee :(

Well, Lucy is lucky to have you so close to her, like what you said to me about her earlier about her was really cute. Ok back on topic, :twitch:

I'm sure you'll be able to find some who's as easy going as you are one day. Don't be in a rush, got it. :)


I'll be on msn later, if you want to talk.. :)
kherrmann3 wrote:

I know how you feel. I had a really hard time in high school, and I still have a hard time a few years later. I'm just an awkward sort of person, and I don't like people company other than at work (for the most part). I love having little critters to come home to. People think that's weird, but that's too bad. They're my best friends, they don't pass judgment (unless I'm late with their salads), and who can't smile when you look at a bunny? :)

In the end, people suck. There are a few who are decent, but overall, a lot of people are just jerks.


There is someone out there who is right for you and will accept you (and Lucy, since that's the package!) and what you want to do and say. There'll be some people who come into your life and don't quite fit but that's ok. When you find the right one, it'll be so much more worth it.
the more desperate you are..or seem/,in my opinion,,you are vulnerable to be taken advantage of,,i think there have been very realistic answers here for you to pay attention to,,life is never been about fun and games,,.but you need self confidence,and flaunt abit,,stay away from drugs,booze,smoking,,stick to what you know and get a good education,,be the best you can be,,do not go looking for trouble,try not to get a fixer,,keep your chin up,,,whats a buddy for,,sincerely james waller
Saudade wrote:
Argh! Why do we have to have them! So stupid and fricking worthless and dumb and frick frick frick frick! I hate this so much! Urgh!

Is it really that hard just to find someone to be happy with! I mean argh! Whenever i have something good going it always ends and I end up in tears drinking my way till i forget and then all my friends get angry at me and then it's just so fricking annoying.

The amount of times I've heard someone say 'You don't need someone to be happy' they have no fricking idea what they're talking about, because they're just as miserable as I am. Yeah sure I'm worse but urgh. Without someone around, to hear my stupid thoughts, the ones that just come out, without someone who doesn't judge me and doesn't have any expectations i'm just a wreck.

I mean is it seriously that fricking hard just to find someone who wants to just lie in the sun and talk s4 about the world.

I mean! Urgh!

All the time it's just one excuse or another, everyone is so caught up in their own worlds.


and what the hell does lucy have anything to do with it. If I want to spend my spare time with my rabbit then leave me the frick alone.

I just feel so c4 right at the moment. I beat my head against the wall until i got a headache then crawled in to bed and cried for an hour, but i can't even do that, apparently i'm just being mopey and sad.

Why can't I ever just find someone, I don't care what they look like, I just want someone to sit and hold my hand you know? Just someone who doesn't care that sometimes the only thing I CAN do is cry, someone who doesn't need me to be someone else, someone stronger just so that they have someone. It's always about me, me, me, fricking me! I just! Argh! You're not the only one who's life is an emotional rollercoaster, maybe i need it to be about me right at that time because everything's falling apart.

If anyone wants me I'll be in the chat sulking.
Just my bucket full view on the matter here,

Before you can find someone to be happy with you need to be happy with yourself, Banging your held off a wall till you get a headache and then crawling into bed to cry for an hour isn't going to take the fancy of any man or woman no one needs the extra stress in there life to go into a relationship that is going to be rocky from the start.

What you need to do is stop looking from your point of view because I'm sure your "friends" think it's you who is being the self centred pig. Give up the drink and anything else that might be giving you a fix(Because most of them things actually are a depressant, As there only going to get you into a further rut). and just try and get yourself into a happy place then start looking for the man/woman of your dreams.

From your post there it really does seem like everyone is against you I'm sure people are on your side but there going to find it hard if your so negative, No 18 year old wants to hang out with someone so depressing. So just find stuff that make you happy, I'm pretty sure Australia has some rabbit associations join one of them and maybe you might find the right man/woman there.

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