Extremely Mellow Rabbit....

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Oct 2, 2014
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I got Reggie a few weeks ago, he's my first male rabbit. I've had 2 females before him.

My females were always extremely active, hated being handled, jumped and thumped and ran around like nuts.

Reggie is the complete opposite. He's extremely easy to handle; you can pick him up with 1 hand and he doesn't even kick, he will spend about 5-10 minutes digging around in my blankets, and then just flop over for a nap.
He hardly ever runs around, only when he knows I'm putting fresh veggies in his cage.

He seems perfectly happy, just not very active at all!

Are males typically more mellow than females? Or is Reggie just exceptional?
Were all of your rabbits the same breed? Breed can also somewhat influence behavior too. The larger breeds tend to be more laid back. I think it is more the individual.

I've had more male than female rabbits but they each seemed unique regardless of gender. My female mini-lop is all sass, but as a recent thread was discussing, this may be more typical for mini-lops. I've had mixed breed females that were very subdued. I've had males that were real characters and always looking for trouble. My current male is very mellow.
My 1 female was just a plain old, run-of-the-mill dwarf, the other was a lionhead, and this guy is a Rex.

The dwarf was a nutbar, complete psycho lol. But I loved her,
and the lionhead was really active but friendly and easy to handle.

This guy's just all mellow lol
My male mini rex, Black Jack, is very curious and active. He doesnt mind being petted or picked up, but he isnt a real snuggle bunny (yes pun intended) He is active and likes to run around curious about his surroundings.

I also have a female mini rex, SunDancer that IS very content to sit in your arms or lap being petted. She can also be a bit timid yet and will run from you. She is quite young, 4 months old, so that could just be her age. I think it's really personality of the individual rabbit as well as gender and breed.

I also have an elderly large lop mix breed (I think part french lop) and she is extremely territorial of her cage and will knock over her food bowl when you refill it if you don't hold her down first. However, when you take her OUT of her cage,she is the BEST snuggle bunny ever! She will bump you with her head which means, "pet me now!" (Just don't pet her behind or her sides, she feels threatened when you do.) She will also run and hide under the bed or under my chair, but she is particularly active.

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