::: exasperated sigh ::: Where IS everybody today?

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P.S. BunnyMommy,

I've had professional photographers tell me that I could make money offof some of the pictures I have of Tucker. They were probably just beingnice, but his pictures do seem to make people smile. All bunny picturesdo though. They're all so precious, how can you not enjoy them?!

My niece says thanks to all of you for the mention. :cool: We'refeeling much better now. Had lunch outside on the padio set, went forice cream, got the pictures of Buck's visit back, the walk to the lakewas awesome with Tucker. If the wind picks up, we'll go fly a kite.
Carolyn, whoever took these photos did a GREATjob!!! I had to do very little to them to get them inappropriate avatarsize/format.

I'm going to start a separate thread called "For Buck" and place themthere so that they'll be easy for him to find. Give them alook-see and tell me if that's what you want or if I need to make anychanges.

Give me just a minute to start the new thread! :)

Yours truly took those shots. Thanks!
You're a sweetheart to do that for Buck. Thanks!

* * * * * * * *


Good luck tomorrow in the soccer game!

Carolyn wrote:
P.S. BunnyMommy,

I've had professional photographers tell me that I could make money offof some of the pictures I have of Tucker. They were probably just beingnice, but his pictures do seem to make people smile. All bunny picturesdo though. They're all so precious, how can you not enjoy them?!

Carolyn, of this I have no doubt. Seriously, he's photogenic at a professional level.
haha!! Those pics of Tucker & Missy are socute! I like the look on Tucker's face lol looks like he's smirking..all he needs is some shades & he's got the cool dude look down:cool:
I was outside digging up a stump with my parents.. I got blisters on myhands hurts so much! Just checking in while Mom's in the shower..waiting patiently to get all this dirt off me lol.

Oreo was being a nut today! She was digging & digging &digging! I have no idea what she was looking for, but her cage lookedlike a hurricane went through! :shock:

OKAY I am awake and here!! where is everyone?lol-since I am in a very different time zone, I would assume everyoneis zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz /sigh

sidenote on Tucker, I have a pic of him in my hotmail account andwhenever I go to do mail home, I take a boo at it, brings a smile to myface on a daily basis-I even forwarded it to a few friends (AND HE ISNTEVEN my bunny!!) oh my !!

Jade and Jezebel would be soooo jelous

Hey, HB104! I work nights, and it getslonely because I work at home, so I'm here most nights (well, Americantime anyway) checking the board!

The only time I'm not here is when I'm supposed to be sleeping (whichI'm supposed to be doing right now! :?).I had to get up and give Sherman his breakfast. He doesn'tplay about getting his breakfast on time! LOL! (AndI'm running late thismorning ).

P.S. I spendWAAAAAAAAAY, WAAAAAAAAAYY too much time on this board! lol! :)

You guys rock!

Thanks for the thought of the sunglasses, Pamela227. If they madethem, Tucks would have them. Not sure how they'd stay on his head, butit would look really funny.

HB104, you know that you totally melted me when you said you've kept apicture of Tucker-Bucker and have sent it to friends. I don't know of ahigher compliment one could get along with the others that came in thispost. Everyone's so unbelieveable on this forum. I showed my niece thecomments you all posted about Tucker and her eyes sparkled and shesaid, "Tucker's a Big Hit!!" Made her feel great, especially afterlosing the wild rabbit she tried so hard to rescue.

She really wanted to take me to the site where she found the wildrabbit, so we made a special trip over there. Poor rabbit, and PoorMichaela and Liam. Tears had fallen last night from her. She's sosensitive and loves animals so much. It was hard for her to accept thatthe rabbit died. How we all want to save every rabbit in the world! Itstarts at a young age when you've got a special love of animals. TakingTucker to the lake and hanging out with him helped. :) Not to mention,Buck and his wife gave me a fondue pot and plates and utensils andtaught me how to fondue. We had a sirloin steak, hashbrowns, and saladfondue dinner on the porch last night. Then did a Beauty Night, yaknow: hair, nails, facial. It was a lot of fun, but she kept thinkingabout that little bunny. She was singing Hush Little Baby to it, andthe song was stuck in her mind which was a sad thought for herobviously. I just kept telling her that at least the little one wasloved before he passed over the rainbow bridge and that he diedcomfortable and not alone. It just breaks your heart when a child cries.

Thanks Bluebird! I purchased the box from a small pet supply store.I've also seen them in places like Petco, and they're online for peoplewho don't have the benefit of having a pet supply store right aroundthe corner. He loves that box. It was the best thing I had ever gottenfor him I think because he can Take Five and escape the world when hewants to. He has an amazing set-up for a cage that I'm going to tellyou folks about when I get my act together with pictures, but thathideaway box fit inside his old cage and he'd use it alot. It's in theliving room now. He'd use it particularly when he'd get spooked bysomething or wanted to go to sleep. I think it was around $20, but itwas worth every penny of it. He'll chew on it as well, so it serves acouple of needs for my little mon.

Thanks again for your comments about Tucker. You folks really 'get' his personality. It's very cool.

P.S. HB104, I keep telling Carolyn thatTucker has that indefinable something special! She has agoldmine on her hands and doesn't even know it. I'm tellingyou ... Tucker has STAR QUALITY! ;)

You go,Tucker!
M&Smom wrote:
lol Bunnymommy,

I was at a soccer game this morning, just got back. Needless to say, we lost. :(lol, anyways, I'm here.


PS- Maybe if you all wish us luck we will win tomorrow. ;)

I don't know how I missed this yesterday! I'm sorry,Laura!!! I know that you ladies will do GREAT on your next game!!!
Carolyn, your niece's temperament reminds me of myown when I was a child. I was so sensitive towards animalsand their suffering. She sounds like a true gem.

Please tell her for me that she did her part in helping that littleone's last moments to be as pleasant as they could be under thecircumstances. I'm sure that he appreciated through all ofhis pain the fact that someone was concerned for him, rooting for him,and was trying to get him all of the help that he needed. Wecan't help everyone, but when we help the ones that we can it means somuch in the overall scheme of things.

There's a special place in Heaven for people who have a heart like yourniece. A big hug to her from both me and Sherman!

Yes, Bunnymommy, she indeed has a heart just like yours. :)

I edited my last post when you had posted this note to tell you about 'Hush Little Baby'.

Love that Icon with the people bowing down. Hope Tucker didn't see thatthat was for him!! Good God, I'll never get him to do what I want!

Buck Jones also has been telling me for years that Tucker is quite anextraordinarily smart and special bunny. I do know it, I just try notto show it around him.

Carolyn wrote:
Love that Icon with the people bowing down. Hope Tucker didn't see thatthat was for him!! Good God, I'll never get him to do what I want!

Buck Jones also has been telling me for years that Tucker is quite anextraordinarily smart and special bunny. I do know it, I just try notto show it around him.

lol thanks Bunnymommy, no problem that you missedthat, it was probably because just after I posted it (like secondslater) Carolyn posted too so it was on a different page! We've beencalled the most sportsman like team out there, probably because we'reso used to losing we just don't care anymore. ;)lol, lost 2games this week already and we're looking to tie or win this one today.lol, I figure if I bring Mocha with me, he may bring good luck! I mean,4 rabbit feet have got to be better then 1! It doesn't help that 4 ofour team is hurt, I hurt a muscle in my thigh and spend the whole gamelimping, plus I'm sick with a bad cold, another girl has a hugeblister, another has a hurt knee, and someone had a sore ankle. But wearen't doing that bad!

PS- Mocha and Spice are jealous that I spend less time with them. It'sonly about 30 mins difference but they're jeaous! And they don'tappreciate me complimenting all the other bunnies on here and not them.;)
M&SMom, poor things! I'll bekeeping my fingers crossed for you today. I've alwaysascribed to the rule anyway that it's not who wins or loses but how youplay the game! ;) So you ladies seem to be right ontrack on thatpoint!

Spice and Mocha just love their mommy and want all of herattention.Just give them a big hug, a couple ofkisses,a few treats, and all will be well again.LOL! :)
Bunnymommy would you so kind as to make a movingavatar for me? I haveall the pictures sized right, just don'thave the software to make gifs! It would be very much appreciated ifyou could.

Oh, sure! That's no problem!

You can either email them to me or post them here and I'll take care of it.

I'll PM you my email address as I don't want it floating around in the general public. :)
People on this forum are just so great! :DThanks so much, I emailed the pictures.

In my search to do those pictures, I found a few ones of Spice that arereally quite cute and shows how he acts only with me, he doesn't comeup to anyone else like this except me.

If they don't show up, right click on where the picture should be and press "show picture".

Yes you can see Mocha in the back of both of them, not so much in the first picture.


And here's Sir Spice looking out the door at me and half standing on his temporary hide away.

