Do rabbits hate hardwood floors?

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Active Member
Jun 22, 2012
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Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
So I have had my pet rabbit for about 2 weeks already and he'd let me pet him and is very comfortable in his home. He isnt really comfortable with me picking him up yet. I leave the cage open everyday (with a fleece bottom) and he would kind of step off the fleece then put his paws onto the hardwood floor then step back inside the cage -,-. Is he still in the stage of "getting used to the new home" or is it because Shiro just doesnt like the hardwood floor?
In my limited experience, I'd say it's getting used to the new home.

My two would do something like that (stretch as far forward with their front paws and then hop back). But now they'll come out on the the wood floor as willingly as any other surface.
Agnes doesn't like our hardwood floors in the kitchen.she'll walk on them but it's not her favorite. She gets off them as soon as she can.
I have 2 rabbits, my furry one doesn't like hard floors at all, only carpet, excepts she pees everywhere still lol but my other rabbit (whom is poorly trained) doesn't mind the hard floors, go figure lol
None of my three bunnies like hard or slippery floors:) they only like rugs;) I can put a small mat or small rug down on the hall or kitchen floor and they slowly get to the rug and stay on it.LOL!they look like their on an island;)
Harvey doesn't mind hard flooring. In fact on hot days he'll stretch out in my kitchen to keep cool. But he doesn't go zooming around them. He does that only on carpet.
At first my bunny hated our tile floors, but now he won't even sleep in his bed. He has to be sprawled directly on the floor. Didn't take him long to get used to it. Maybe a week. He's pretty chill.
I put some fleece in front of the cage just to see if it was actually the hardwood floor, and it actually was. Shiro went out of his cage and onto the fleece. So I'm guessing he doesn't like hardwood floors?

Is there anyway to make him get used to the hardwood floor? Because I wouldn't really want to take the fleece out and put it on the floor every time so that Shiro would come out of his cage. And also the majority of the house is actually hardwood floor :\
Most of my bunnies do not like slippery surfaces. Two of them are totally fearless and will go anywhere, one doesn't like them but will reluctantly venture off the rug, and the other two will not leave the area rug.
Dotty hates slippery surfaces. I suppose it just depends on preference. When we moved her cage to the kitchen she wouldn't move out of it one inch. We once picked her up to make sure she got some running time but if the cage was closed she would leap for the nearest person and cling onto them.
We got a few runners and once they were out exploring all started going out on the tiles and hardwood. Of course, some of ours didn't let anything slow them down--thanks to the makers of "baby gates".
Harriet still does that. I think it's more of her inspecting the environment (testing the water) more than anything. She is also stepping out onto hard wood, but she doesn't seem to mind it otherwise.

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