District 9

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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2009
Reaction score
, Manitoba, Canada
Has anyone else seen this recently?

So good. I don't think I've seen a better movie all year.

A tiny bit of a spoiler warning, nothing massive:

I was reading some user reviews that gave it low scores today and their reasoning is just ridiculous. Too much blood and gore? It's rated 18A! You always know there's a reason for a high rating like that. I'm pretty weak when it comes to the blood and gore stuff, but I've learned to look away when I see it coming. Didn't make me think less of the movie one tiny bit. The aliens being of a lower intelligence as a reason for disliking the movie also kind of made me irritated. Look at humanity, look at all we've achieved in our existance and how far we've come, yet you can still find many, many people living around the world with lower education. Even in countries seen as more advanced.

I hope they make a sequal, I was sitting there nearly in tears those last few minutes. A prequal would be nice too, to figure out how they all ended up trapped there in the first place. And what happened to all of the other aliens that ran the ship.

Just makes me want to watch it over and over again.
It was an allegory for the apartheid.

A great movie, pointing out how bad humanity actually is.
I know it was an allegory. While Apartheid was the most obvious, it can be said the same thing for pretty much any period in history. Any point in time where humanity has seen another group/race as 'alien' and has been needlessly cruel to them.

It doesn't make it any less of an alien movie, nor any less of a good movie for that matter!
I was going to go see it, but I'm not into blood and gore. Maybe if I can get my boyfriend out of the house, I can have him to hide behind. :p

Cloverfield. Now that was a good alien movie.
Cloverfield wasn't really an alien movie though. :p

I loved Cloverfield, not just the movie, the entire experience of it. I got really into it all, read all of the hints and clues and got to piece a lot of it together. Towards the end of the movie you see a satellite dish fall from the sky, well, you don't really know what it is, but in one of the viral websites set up for one of the companies in the movie it states one of their satellites fell down that day. The last rumour I read said that the satellite fell into the ocean and 'woke' the monster up. I guess it could have been an alien, but there was a lot of theories floating around stating it was some kind of mutation from this special plankton deep in the ocean or some such. It was suposedly indestructible. It's hard to explain it all, there's so much information on so many different websites they had set up for the movie. There was a drilling company (where the satellite came from), an animal's rights group that was against the drilling company, the Slusho corporation where the main character was initially going to go and work for in Japan.

I know the creators stated that the monster was a baby that was initially on the planet and that it was confused and frightened with parasites all over its body.

Jeeze I hope they make a sequal for Cloverfield. The ending voice is just begging for one.
Rayen wrote:
Cloverfield wasn't really an alien movie though. :p

I loved Cloverfield, not just the movie, the entire experience of it. I got really into it all, read all of the hints and clues and got to piece a lot of it together. Towards the end of the movie you see a satellite dish fall from the sky, well, you don't really know what it is, but in one of the viral websites set up for one of the companies in the movie it states one of their satellites fell down that day. The last rumour I read said that the satellite fell into the ocean and 'woke' the monster up. I guess it could have been an alien, but there was a lot of theories floating around stating it was some kind of mutation from this special plankton deep in the ocean or some such. It was suposedly indestructible. It's hard to explain it all, there's so much information on so many different websites they had set up for the movie. There was a drilling company (where the satellite came from), an animal's rights group that was against the drilling company, the Slusho corporation where the main character was initially going to go and work for in Japan.

I know the creators stated that the monster was a baby that was initially on the planet and that it was confused and frightened with parasites all over its body.

Jeeze I hope they make a sequal for Cloverfield. The ending voice is just begging for one.

I love you. :blushan:

No one else understands my love of Cloverfield and my obsession with the viral marketing game they put out. Most people have never even heard of either.

They better make a sequel. Or maybe even the military's point of view of the whole thing.

I wouldn't mind seeing a military point of view for Cloverfield, I'd like to know more about the parasites and why people blow up when they're bit by them. Or even just more general information of what's going on around the world when this is happening.

I loved how Cloverfield was centered around the characters and talked about how they dealt with the monster attack, but it would be nice for a companion film to explain more of what really happened.

And yeah, I think maybe one or two people I know read any of the viral websites before/after watching the movie. I don't understand why people wouldn't, it just added to the overall experience. All of the pictures on 1-18-08 just made you more interested in figuring everything out, the talking of drilling in the ocean for oil/slusho ingredients. I don't remember what the animal right's group did though, I'm going to have to go and look at it all again.

It's no wonder so many people disliked Cloverfield, they didn't bother to piece the puzzle together to figure it out on their own.
I loved Cloverfield too and there wasn't many people I knew who saw it. I think not giving all the info about the monster/alien made it even more intriguing and scary.
I just got back from seeing it. Have to say It didn't live up to my expectations, It got better at the end but didn't really do it for me.
Hasn't come out here yet but I wouldn't mind seeing it. The previews were really good. I enjoyed Cloverfield though.

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