Difference in care?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey guys...another Trixie question...

Since I've never had a lop before, I find myself wondering if there's any difference between care for a regular-eared bun and a lop-eared bun.

So, any difference?
there really isn't to much difference, not when it is a lop like trixie, if it was an english lop, then yeah, there is more care, but i would just check her ears weekly to make sure that there isn't a buildup of wax and such. . .
Oh, I wanted to add that I've only ever had to treat one of mine for ear parasites (mites) and that was Toby (wooled breeds tend to get mites easier).

You are gonna LOVE those loppy ears. The first time you see her groom them, you will MELT. Lops grooming their ears look like little girls brushing their hair. It's the cutest thing ever!

Aww...that's so cute, Laura...I can't wait to see it. :)

Ok...thanks, guys!

By the way...how do they get mites if they're indoor buns? Just curious...
Snuggys Mom wrote:
Ear parasites can be more common with lops. I check mine weekly while they are eating. I can do most anything to them at breakfast!
Hee hee, ditto!!

[color=green<WBR>]maherwoman[/color] wrote:
By the way...how do they get mites if they&#39;re indoor buns? Just curious...

A lot of bunnies are born with them, passed along from their mothers. They can go undetected for a long time.
Ah, okay...I&#39;ll check her every so often to be sure. I&#39;m checking out various sites about ear mites in the Rabbit Health References section to see what it looks like.

Thanks, guys! :)

P.S. These pictures are making MY ears itch!! :yuck
I&#39;ve never had to do anything different for my lops, I check their ears like the others mentioned but I did that all the time with my other buns too.

And as Snuggys Mom says, oh my goodness, the ear cleaning thing they do is soooo cute! You will totally melt when you see Trix doing it. They will &#39;brush&#39; their ears and also grab one ear in both paws while they lick it...and look at you like "ain&#39;t I pretty?" at the same time.


Before I had lops I didn&#39;t like them at all, thought they looked funny. Then I got one sort of by accident and I&#39;ve been totally in love since then.
It seems that a lot more lops have ear wax build up problems. I had a problem with Eli and I had to clean his ears every 3 days. But Zoey on the other hand, she has no problems.

I think the biggest difference is that they are so much more babyish looking that uppy eared rabbits and they can get anything out of you without trying at all! It&#39;s hard to resist those loppy ears!
Awwwwww .....

I&#39;m melting already!! :D
Exactly MBB, they do have that baby look, especially the holland lops and similar sized ones. When I had BunBun in the bathroom last night checking him over, and he was on the floor, he sort of hopped away into a corner, turned his back towards me then looked back at me over his shoulder. His ear was hanging in his face like a &#39;bad boy&#39; with a lock of hair hanging over the forhead. I just went awwwwww really loud and planting a kiss on his head.
Here&#39;s a good example... Can you say no to this?

But for some reason this is so much easier to resist...

Eli had mites and they were HARD to get rid of... it took 6 weeks if not more...
Well, Butter&#39;s a Holland Lop, and he&#39;s never had any problems with his ears (He keeps um&#39; squeaky clean all by himself ;) ) But with the longer-eared rabbits, I&#39;d definitely worry. I&#39;ve never had an English Lop or a French Lop, but reading through the posts here on RO, I&#39;d say they would take quite a bit more care.
Reminds me of this picture of Trixie:

Hehe!! I can&#39;t help but smile at that picture...and can&#39;t wait to see it in action!! :D

katt wrote:
nothing is better then watching a lop run full force right at you with floppy ears bouncing with each hop. . .you just can&#39;t help but smile. . .
Just wondering about cleaning bunnies ears, i&#39;ve never cleaned Bangbangs ears they&#39;ve never been an issue, however if they were to get waxy or anything do u clean them how you do a dog or cat? Or should it be done differently?
They so do look like there brushing their hair when they clean their ears, first time I saw Bangbang do it I think i melt! So so sooo cute
katt wrote:
i was drinking some water when i scrolled down and nearly sent it flying out my nose. . .that is so funny. . . OMG, my tummy hurts from laughing. . .
Sorry, I couldn&#39;t resist!

Oh and she is right, lops are ultra-addictive, I&#39;m working on getting another right now.:shock:

Bangbang wrote:
Just wondering about cleaning bunnies ears, i&#39;ve never cleaned Bangbangs ears they&#39;ve never been an issue, however if they were to get waxy or anything do u clean them how you do a dog or cat? Or should it be done differently?
They so do look like there brushing their hair when they clean their ears, first time I saw Bangbang do it I think i melt! So so sooo cute
My vet gave me this solution to put into his ears (only a few drops) and then message the base of his ear to loosen the wax. If it is built up so that the wax is right at the top of the ear canal, you can use a Q-tip to pull it out but if you can see it but it is lower, my vet told me to lay Eli on his back with his head tilted downwards a bitand continue messaging the base of his ear and it should fall out.

If you can&#39;t see any wax build up then do not clean his ears. There is no need for it. In the year and a bit that I&#39;ve had Zoey, I&#39;ve never cleaned them.
I have never found that having lopped ear bunnies are any differnet to non lopped. i could see exception to the english lop!

my first rabbit was bough with both ears up but gradually as he matured one ear lopped but the other never followed. this never changed!

My 2 girls now give mea pair. one up one lopped. i think they are both extreamly cute but lopped ears do give the inocent look much better!
I have no problems with our Lops.. The English are not a problem either, the biggest worry on their ears is them stepping on them and teaing them... But that is not as common as some would think!

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