despicable actions

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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2013
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i have 5 rabbits one is newly aquired. My brother inlaw kept mentioning how he wanted a baby bunny fathered by my male because he is very gentle mskes no messes outside his cage and will snuggle in bed with me for hours. for the last 3 weeks. My 4.5 year old lionhead has been super grouchy. I had to remove her 4 year old daughter from their cage. Last night after the mom not eating much or drnking had to take her to the vet. Found out she is pregnant. It seems my brother inlaw had went behind my back to get what he wanted. Such a scummy thing to do.
If you are sure he did it, I think I would send him the vet bill and not let him have one of the babies. That really is an underhanded and dishonest thing for him to do. Not to mention risking the health of your rabbit. I hope your mom rabbit has her babies safely and they all are ok too.
I am 1000% certain he put them together. I already have my sister paying me back for the vet visit. Vet wanted xrays since i am not sure about the mating date. Her aggressive behavior was seen by me july 26th when she attacked her daughter. However my brother inlaw commented that a few nights before she was doing the same aggressive behavior. for some to do something like this behind your back is plain disgusting
I hope your mommy rabbit as her kits safely. And I agree with you it was a scummy thing to do make him pay the vet bills but I hope you do not give him one when the time comes such irresponsible behavior would make me worry for the health of any animal in his care, as he doesn't seem to realize just because your male is gentle and cuddly, etc. does not mean resulting offspring will be as your male sounds like the result of a lot of trust and some training.
I agree with the others: don't give him a kit! Doing so would mean that he succeeded in his attempt to get his way. It would just encourage him to do more things like this, attempting to do things he shouldn't and getting away with it.

Also, making him pay the vet bills would be appropriate because he's the one who caused the vet visits. He should take the consequences for his actions.
Well this ticked me off lol. It makes me so mad though when people do something like this. And yes he should have to pay the vet bills and get no kit. Hopefully mother and kits all come through safely!
No way will they get a baby. I am just so upset he would do something like this to me. Going to get the xrays monday those will cost $155.00 which i will have them pat for.
I told him a while ago that my male rabbit is the way he is because i handled him from birth. I feel like confronting him but he is a known liar. If i could i would jeep the babies but i have 5 and not enough room unfortunately. But at least while in my care they will be adored and loved.
Here is momma. She is 4.5 years old. Tiny little hirl weighs 2 lb 14 oz

OK, she doesn't have much of a mane, not to mention the eye ring (although they don't have to be an hotot to have that coloring), so that's why I thought she was a mix. But I guess lionheads don't have to have much of a mane... XD

He's PRETTY!!! love the color!
All my lionheads have thin manes. But when babies the manes were very long and thick. The boy his name us fudge has dutch markings.
Has she had a litter before and how much bigger is he? If he is much bigger, the kits could be too big for her to pass easily. Her being a bit older can also make it harder on her. There is a chance she may need a C-section and even then the kits might not survive. Unfortunelty, this can be expensive, especially if it is an emergency situation. Since this is a totally unplanned litter, and it is more risky, aborting the litter would be a good idea. You can get her spayed at the same time. I realize this is not for everyone, but it should be considered for her health. It would be good to get her spayed anyway to prevent something like this happening again.
What an awful thing to do, some people just don´t have any sense. I hope that she has the kits safely and stays well.

She´s just gorgeous and he´s got lovely colouring as well.

I´m no expert on breeding but it may be a thought to consider the last idea if there is any chance that the birth may be difficult.

At the end of the day, it´s your choice and your bunnies. I hope whatever you decide, mom is OK.
That's such a disgusting thing to do,I wouldn't let him anywhere near ANY of my animals if someone did such a thing to my pets. (I'd probably go overboard and change the locks on my house!) yea don't do that...I'm just being over dramatic. I hope the babies turn out okay!
Oh boy it keeps getting better. The daughter that shared the cage with her mom seems to be going in labor. She is 4 never had babies. She seems very uncomfortanle moving and always adjusting her position. She even squeaked once. So it looks like i have now pregnant.
Okay,that's it. I don't care if I'm over exaggerating! Change the locks to your house and don't let him step a foot inside your home or your rabbits! I hate people who thinks they're so important that they automatically have the right to whatever they so desire!
l have almost cried to see her uncomfortable She is yawning a lot would anyone know if that is common? unfortunately they lire with US.
Your BIL is a jackass of the first order. To make sure this never happens again I would have your male neutered and make your BIL pay for it. I'd have your BIL neutered too, just for good measure.

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