Debate about school uniform

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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2007
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Nelson, , New Zealand
Hey luv, can't really think of anything to do with the learning environment but with your last paragraph, it doesn't sound very strong IYKWIM? Like when the time comes for rebutal, theres alot they could get off that.

For other points, I did the whole uniform debate to haha, but a strong point was how everyone was equal and same, making it alot harder to be judged on what your wearing. For example, people who are harder off and can't afford the Federation hoodie and the Nike Dunks a uniform puts them on the same level as everyone else and removes the pressures of worrying about acceptance. I mean, in the rebutal how bad is it dissing the poorer kids and you can't really find much in that to rebut to. You getting me?
Uniforms can also help keep clothing costs down for parents. They usually buy 2-3 sets of the uniform and it should last the whole school year. The uniforms have a set cost based on size and pieces of the uniform. When compared to the cost of other clothing for students, uniforms can save parents a lot of money.

Students are less distracted by other students clothing during class time and can therefore focus better. The uniform can put students in "learning mode" and tells the students that it is time to learn. They will have separate clothing for after school that is for whatever activity students peruse out of school. Street clothes are give a more relaxed appearance and are for a students free time. A uniform is like a business suit, it is for work and give the appearance and feel of working and concentration. A uniform can help students get into the mood to learn, like a gym strip get students ready for gym. A uniform gives off a more professional atmosphere to a school which aides the learning process. Like a sports team, a class room is working toward the same goal and uniforms make the students part of a team.

Sorry if this is not coherent, it is 11pm here and I am tired. You should put your own words to the general ideas as I am not a speech writer. I have never been in a school with uniforms, so I am not coming form first hand expirations.
OK so I'm guessing you deleted the first post or something?

BTW Just to say I've spent 11 years in uniform and 1 1/2 years without and I MISS IT SO MUCH! Back in the days when you could just shove on your skirt and jumper every day rather than having to find something to wear without looking like a complete state. Oh and the enjoyment of own clothes days back when they were interesting. Once you are out of them you'll miss them so much I promise.
Pinksalamander, I agree, except I spent 13 years in uniform and less than one year without so far. I definitely miss it; they were so much easier!
Sorry you didn't win your debate.:expressionless

I have to weigh in on the school uniform issue. We have been part of a small school here for over 9 years; about 6 years ago they implemented a school uniform (polo shirts, dress slacks, and a belt.)I can tell you without a doubt, it was one of the best things the school ever did. I worked as the school secretary for 6 years, and could see the change first hand.

Having uniformity almost completely removed the boy/girl tension. There's always going to be an attraction to the opposite sex, that's how God made it. But let me tell you , it is hard for the girls to look sexy in a polo shirt!!! The boys weren't all revved up and over stimulated all day long. We didn't have girls trying to see how small and tight of clothing they could's a polo shirt - why bother! A whole lot more learning took place.

And, My boys, now grown up young men of 17 and 21, relate really well to girls because they know how to treat them. Our 14 year old daughter is not a total boy nut - and has already started to think about thetype of character traits she wants to look for in a future boyfriend/mate. Theyjust have really healthy relationships with the opposite sex.
wabbitmom12 wrote:
Sorry you didn't win your debate.:expressionless

I have to weigh in on the school uniform issue.  We have been part of a small school here for over 9 years; about 6 years ago they implemented a school uniform (polo shirts, dress slacks, and a belt.)  I can tell you without a doubt, it was one of the best things the school ever did.  I worked as the school secretary for 6 years, and could see the change first hand. 

Having uniformity almost completely removed the boy/girl tension.   There's always going to be an attraction to the opposite sex, that's how God made it.  But let me tell you , it is hard for the girls to look sexy in a polo shirt!!!  The boys weren't all revved up and over stimulated all day long.  We didn't have girls trying to see how small and tight of clothing they could's a polo shirt - why bother!  A whole lot more learning took place. 

And, My boys, now grown up young men of 17 and 21, relate really well to girls because they know how to treat them.  Our 14 year old daughter is not a total boy nut - and has already started to think about the type of character traits she wants to look for in a future boyfriend/mate.  They just have really healthy relationships with the opposite sex. 

Wow, a polo shirt and trousers sounds good! I had to wear a white collared shirt, a tie, a blue skirt, a blue jumper (sweater) and a blazer. I looked HOT!
pinksalamander wrote:
wabbitmom12 wrote:
Sorry you didn't win your debate.:expressionless

I have to weigh in on the school uniform issue. We have been part of a small school here for over 9 years; about 6 years ago they implemented a school uniform (polo shirts, dress slacks, and a belt.)I can tell you without a doubt, it was one of the best things the school ever did. I worked as the school secretary for 6 years, and could see the change first hand.

Having uniformity almost completely removed the boy/girl tension. There's always going to be an attraction to the opposite sex, that's how God made it. But let me tell you , it is hard for the girls to look sexy in a polo shirt!!! The boys weren't all revved up and over stimulated all day long. We didn't have girls trying to see how small and tight of clothing they could's a polo shirt - why bother! A whole lot more learning took place.

And, My boys, now grown up young men of 17 and 21, relate really well to girls because they know how to treat them. Our 14 year old daughter is not a total boy nut - and has already started to think about thetype of character traits she wants to look for in a future boyfriend/mate. Theyjust have really healthy relationships with the opposite sex.

Wow, a polo shirt and trousers sounds good! I had to wear a white collared shirt, a tie, a blue skirt, a blue jumper (sweater) and a blazer. I looked HOT!
;)I know! Some of those uniforms are like, a boy's fantasy or something!;)

The style of "uniform" really came about because the parents didn't want to purchase a specific brand, but wanted the uniform "look". So, we noodled it around awhile and decided that the colors weren't so important - it was the STYLE of clothing we needed to regulate. The parents could even shop at garage sales and goodwill for used clothing if they wanted. You can buy polos and trousers just about anywhere-even some of the ultra-discount stores like Family Dollar. (We used to call them "dime stores". Inflation!!!)

We also built in clothing choices for cooler weather, like solid color cardigan sweaters or sweatshirts, and allowed the girls to wear skirts,at just above the knee,in the same black, khaki, or navy blue. It's worked really well. Parents can dress their little 1st grade girly in a pink polo if they want. I was able to pass many boy polo shirts down to my daughter - most of them are pretty unisex. Our idea was not to make the students look like high-dollar private school students....but neat, tidy, and modestly dressed. In reality, our school caters more to the middle to lower-middle class in our city anyway. It's a sacrifice for most of the parents to pay tuition. So I guess you can say, our kids are dressed in a way that reflects the population of the school - and it's been a really a positive thing.

I like wearing my uniform to school, its so much easier than picking clothes every day. The wash bin would perminantly be over flowing with three of us not wearing uniform. I also think wearing uniform stops some bullying. Cause some kids are mean and pick on other because they dont have the lastest fasion item, or expensive designer clothes! Which not everyone can afford!

*sorry, ill stop now. hehe.* xx
This is our uniform
Blue or white polo shirt. (You may wear a warmer top undetneath if it is the EXCAT same colour)

Summer skirt (grey and white) and winter skirt (grey). grey tights and lace shoes.
ankle lenght socks or knee lenght socks with lace shoes
Blue roman sandals.

Jumper: Blue navy knit.

BLue polo shirt.
Royal blue jumper.
Grey shorts.
Knee lenght socks
Shoes or roman brown sandals

We;re pretty casual
I tried to find a picture of my school uniform to show you how much of a man I looked like, but I can't find one anywhere.

Anyway, imagine a really geeky dude. Now imagine him in a skirt. There you have it.
This is (was) my school uniform dress uniform. I took this in December of 2007, thus the tights. The picture was for a friend of mine who always makes that hand gesture in pictures.


I went to an all-girls Catholic school in Los Angeles. Our uniform consisted of:

White, navy or light blue polo
gray or khaki skirt- 4 inches above the knee max
black, white or combination shoes
burgundy penny loafers

navy blue sweatshirts, sweaters or sweater vest

navy blue blazer

Dress uniform days (most Mondays & Fridays) we had to wear the white polo, gray skirt and burgundy loafers as well as the balzer when it wasn't too hot.
The rest of the year we could wear sweaters but we were not allowed to wear sweatshirts on dress days.
I forgot to add, we also have a "Chapel dress" day. The girls are allowed to wear any MODEST dress and the guys can wear a dresss shirt and tie, blazer is optional. The students are not required to wear the dressier apparel on Chapel day, but they can if they want, since we will be worshipping in Chapel that day. Sorta like dressing up for church on Sunday.
Oooh I really like your uniform as strange as that sounds lol. Fran shoulder pads in this day and age :shock: We have uniform for the juniors and were mufti years 11, 12 and 13 the uniform is grotty! Maroon and grey checkered AND pleated skirt, white blouse with a grotty maroon wool jersey which smells like wet dogs when its wet. We can also were black stockings or knee high socks and black shoes.

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