CrystalBalls Babies

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Thanks Haley! :)

I did put some Polysporin (just the regular stuff, no pain med in it)and she hasn't scratched it as much. She even seems to haveless hair on that ear from the scratching. I'll try and get apicture of it and post it. It's hardly noticeable.But I notice everything hehehe

I said to my fiance before I noticed the little scab."Doesn't Holly's one ear look different?" He said I was nuts.Her ears looks fine LOL

I'll try and take a picture.

Bandit he seems fine. His foot is fine. Not sure ifhe broke the nail or it came out. I never did find anail. I'm gonna try and trim his nails this weekend, so I'lltry and get a good look. That'll be FUN, he's such a grumpygus. I should video us trying to get him to cut his nails LOL
Okay, so I've come to realize you can't get a picture of the scab on camera haha
But I'm going to post these two pics anyways.

This is her "bad" ear. The one spot on the left is afreckle. The one spot to the right you can sorta see is wearher little scab is. But you can tell she doesn't have as muchhair on that ear:


THIS is her "good" ear. hehehehe:


Geez I need a good manicure eh?! LOL

Well I put Bandit and Holly together just to seehow they'd be tonight. Didn't last long, but they actuallydid get along while they were together. Holly didn't try andmount this time. Can't wait to have her fixed and all betterso I can really bond them together. Thought I'd share a fewpics.

OH and yes, the cats are always playing with the buns (they'rede-clawed). Holly loves it, she sits there and takes a patand goes back for more.




And More...

Bandit (He looks Fat, but he's not at all):




Holly, Comming Out to Play with Mommy:


Bandit and the Cat Grass (that needs a good watering I might add):


Mommy's Boo, Again:


Crystal, your babies are so cute!! Ilove the new pics. My favorite is the one of your cat pettingHolly LOL.
OOh look how BIG Holly has gotten!!! She was 1/2 the size of Bandid when you got her and now she is catching up!

Thanksf_j and Nadia:)

Yes, Holly sure has grown up. She'sa realsweetie. And Bandit is comming around a bit. Heactuallyhas let me lay down and pet himthe lastcouple nights, so maybe he's getting out of his "grumpystage".Holly loves getting pat by theKitties. They play back and forth through the pen attimes. It's really cute!

Hey, Been in the Picture taking mood tonightagain, so took a couple more to share. I've gotta get somevideos done and upload them too.

Holly with her Piece of our Christmas Tree Trunk:


Bandit hanging out (Excuse the stain on the floor I just noticed that when I took the pic, it's all clean now :)):


And Bandit decided to be a Bad Boy tonight and chew Mommy's dining roomchair, that's the reason they got their pieces of Tree Trunk tonight,Not Impressed!:


Woo Hoo! We actually succeeded at trimming the nails last night. Such a proud Mommy I am hahahaha

Holly is pretty easy, cause she actually will let me pick her up mostof the time. Bandit on the other hand, well that's anothermatter. But last night Chris grabbed him and held him and wegot his front paws done. Today we will attempt theback. (He got away from Daddy after his front were done, sowe thought we'd let him be for the night and do the back today sometime)

Not such a big deal for most. But a big deal for me,especially with Bandit. Don't know how I'm gonna get at hisback feet but I'll do my best.

Oh, I should also add that No, that wasn'tthe first timesince I'vegotten Bandit that his nails were trimmedlol His previous owner did it for me the first couple timeswhenshe was down to visit. Didn'twantanyone thinking I let the poor little buns' nails grow since October LOL


I find what helps me cut Cookie's nails (myparents bun) is to take him intoa room or an area that hedoesn't know. So into the basement, or into the bathroom seems to distract him that he is in an unfamiliar space and doesn'tfeel the need to escape as much...

OK Crystal I need some more Holly &Bandit pictures. They are so cute. I think theyneed to come and live with me for a while maybe I will have to Bunnynap them. LOL

Here we go :)

Bandit actually got up on the chair today, hasn't done that in some time:




I haven't gotten a chance to take nice pics for Easter yet, but here's the couple I did quickly.

Bandit with his Easter Hat, Susan made :) :

Holly with her Easter Hat, Susan made :) :

They are so cute, now now I can see how small Holly is.Look at Bandit sitting on his thrown.

Does your boyfriend have a motorcycle? I notcied your picture in one of the pictures.

Hehehe oh yea, she's quite small. Shejust sprawls herself out a lot. She's quite long when shelays out like that. But she's still a small girl. Igotta post the pics of the cats. I tried putting the hats onthem too hahahaha Didn't work too well.

And why we have black furniture with all these furry animals is beyondme?! That's why that blanket is on that chair, cuz all ofthem sleep on it. So atleast now I can take it off and washit. It was a pain when the actual chair was COATED infur.

Oh yea, No that's a pic of me and my Daddy on his motorcycle.

Thought I'd add some new pics. Had thebuns out playing last night. Holly hasn't gotten free run ina while. (She has a very large pen she plays in) but thoughtI'd try her out of that. They had fun, it was kind of trickyto get her to go to bed though hehehe

Holly Butt:








Holly's All Tired Out:




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