Concerned about bring a dog into my home with bun.

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Mar 9, 2011
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Tacoma WA, , USA
A very dear friend came to me today to ask me if I would be willing to take care of her little dog in my home for possibly three months. She is having a family issue that will require her to go out of state for that long. I'm fine with taking care of the dog but I'm worried about Fraggles. Its a wiener dog and he is very nice. Fraggles met him once before and she stayed on my lap all he did was lick her from head to toe which offended her a great deal and caused a lot of grooming to get her fur to lay flat again. My real concern is her being free range, I don't want the dog chasing her. Plus I know I can't leave them unsupervised but what about when I sleep. Fraggles is out of her cage when I'm asleep because that's her most active playtime. I can't lock her up and I don't want to lock the dog up also. My friend is in a real bind and needs me. Any advice on keeping Fraggles safe and happy?
[align=center]I would say let Fraggles roam around all the other rooms but your own room so that through the night the dog can be with you in your room away from Fraggles. I wouldn't look at this as locking up the dog because at least he has company even if your sleeping and even then its only for a while. At least your not locking him up all alone. This is win win for Fraggles and the dog. [/align]
I could see this but I have tried shutting the door before and she would dig frantically at it until I let her in. She likes to hop up on the bed at night and stretch herself on the pillows. I even keep a pillow above my head just for her. I often wake up to bunny kisses so I don't think I could keep her out of the bedroom? Maybe I should just crate the dog at night but I really don't want to do that. Any other ideas?
I think you absolutely need to keep them separated when you're not there to supervise - locking either the dog or the bunny into one room will be fine while you're out of the house or asleep. It sounds like they will probably get along pretty well when you're there to watch them
I don't think the dog would try to hurt her but I'm worried about rough play. He gets very excited when he sees her. If I'm not home Fraggles is always caged. That's pretty much what her cage is for is when I'm not home. I'm also worried Fraggles will dislike the dog and be upset that he is in the house. She does not like other buns so she might not like the dog at all. This is going to be hard to deal with...
I agree with Laura the dog should be crated when your not there and at night.Dogs instinct is to attack so I would not take the chance of something happening to your bunny.

It's only for a short period so I don't think their would be any lasting effects on the dog if she wascratedand you are doing your friend a big favour.

Good luck, it's tough decision to make. You certainly don't want to put your bunny in harms way, but you want to help out a friend.


You will need to be able to separate them when you are not there to supervise. While there are dogs that can be trusted with a free range rabbit, they are few and far between. You can put the dog in a bedroom, bathroom or crate. My dogs do fine in a crate or bedroom when there is no one home. You should ask your friend what the dog is used to when they are not around.

Rough play is something you need to discourage. If the dog is going to be staying with your for a few months, you need to make your home safe for Fraggles and for the dog. I would not allow any rough play or even a dog focusing too much on my rabbits no matter how long they are here for. You may need to keep the dog on leash so you can give the corrections needed and prevent unwanted behaviour.

It is a good idea to have an area where the dog can go to get away from Fraggles, this can be a room or a crate.

Keep in mind that dachshunds were bred to in holes after small animals like rabbits, rats and badgers. They do have the instinct to hunt. I would hate for something to happen when it could have been prevented. Dogs and rabbits can get along, but they still need their own time, spaces and rules.
Thanks for all the great advice. I know that dachshunds were bred to flush badgers from holes. I think I will crate him at night and during the day keep him in one of Fraggles out of bounds areas on his lead. Keeping Fraggles safe is my number one concern. If anyone has any other ideas then please share them.
The dog will be fine. Even if it does not seem like its fair to the dog, look at it this way, life is not always fair and we all sometimes are in situations that are unfair (some of those situations are much more unfair then being in a crate a few hours a day), anyway its only for a few months. Its still much better then your bunny being hurt by the dog or your friend having to give the dog to the pound because no one will help her. So you all will be fine.
The dog will most likely grow to love the crate to be honest. It's their own little spot that no one else goes, makes them feel like it's their home. He'd probably sleep in it even if it wasn't closed once he got used to it.
If you don't take the dog what will happen? It might be worse than being crated at night :)You could always offer to help for now while your friend looks for someone else. Then you could see if you could deal with it or not.

I hope it works out for everyone involved. :)

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