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Ashtin - Member
Jul 11, 2012
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Manhattan, Kansas, USA
Okay, so as I was sitting with my friends in a trading card store learning how to play Magic: The Gathering, I finally came to terms with something I have struggled with my entire life:

I am a huge friggin' nerd.

It all started when I was 3 years old. My dad got me the Sega Genesis for Christmas, with three games: Sonic the Hedgehog (2 I believe,) Barbie Supermodel (I was a three-year-old girl after all,) and Tom and Jerry. I fell in love. I would spend a possibly unhealthy amount of time playing the games. Later I got a couple other games, but the one I still play the most is Lion King. That game was AMAZING. My next console was the Game Boy Color and I found my love affair with Pokemon, which was what REALLY got me into gaming. I have owned at least one game from every single generation since that first pokemon game, which was Pokemon Yellow. I. Love. Pokemon. Over the years, I have owned a Genesis, GBC, GBA, Gamecube, GBA SP, Wii, Nintendo DS, PS3, and several computers which have also gotten their fair of video game time.

When I was six I read my first comic book. It was a Fantastic Four comic which I still own to this day. I have, in recent years, moved more towards DC, but I still have a soft spot in my heart for Spiderman. I cried along with him when (SPOILER ALERT) his girlfriend Gwen's neck was snapped in a cruel twist of fate during his own rescue attempt, I laughed at his horrible jokes, I cringed when he showed The Vulture that death wasn't what he truly wanted, even after suffering a stroke and becoming half-paralyzed. (SPOILERS END) Comic books have been an escape for me, and as much as I love novels, I truly will never move past my love for some good old text-bubbled, illustrated, emotional action.

So what do you guys geek out about? Film? Literature? Because I truly believe there's a huge nerd in every one of us just waiting to awkwardly stumble out. :coolness:
Roomie is turning me into a video game nerd.

I like comic books with strong female characters (Batwoman, anyone?).

Also, sci-fi (Star Trek especially)...and of course, the LOTR books....

In other words, I'm just a total nerd.
Oh gosh yes. I love Star Trek. (But only the original series... Kirk was such a hottie.) Star Wars is awesome too. I have a stuffed ewok. Someday when I have money to spend on a stormtrooper suit, I'm going to buy a stormtrooper suit. I'm going to wear it to the mall and stuff. I'll have pictures taken of me and NOBODY WILL KNOW IT'S ME. Kinda like how people take pictures of my truck all the time because it says "Zombie Outbreak Response Vehicle" on the tailgate. I have my friends text me all the time saying "lol, someone just sent me a picture of your truck like DUDE THIS IS AWESOME and I'm like LOL THAT'S MY FRIEND ASHTIN." This has happened multiple times. My truck is a celebrity here.
I'm a nerd about reading. Always have been. I would rather curl up with a book than hang out with people.

I'm a nerd about my rabbits! :) not sure if you all are aware but I have these two buns that I'm head over heels for. And there's this forum about rabbits that I spend alot of time on.......

I'm a nerd about animals too. Like just in general, anything that lives and breathes (except spiders) I want to touch. So I'm the mom in the neighborhood chasing down frogs and snakes for the kids. I want to feed the deer that I'm not suppose to feed....

I could kinda go on and on as I always have felt different and apart from the norm of things.....

On a random note, Ashtin, about the game Lion King. I think my little sister had this game. I'm not a huge gamer but I've been known to like some video games in my past ;) so was there a part in the game (and I think it was the hardest part) where you had to navigate little Simba through the stampede of gazelles or something?
I think you might be talking about wildebeest, but yeah, that's it. :D My favorite level is really early, I think it's like the second level, but it's "Just Can't Wait to be King" and you get to jump on giraffe's heads and get thrown around by monkeys and ride an ostrich... Way too much fun. :)
Zombies. I've seen most zombie movies, old/new good and terrible. I plan for the zombie apocalypse. My husband and i talk about it several times a week.

I love zombies.
Books mostly and some movies. Used to be a giant comic book reader--had mostly marvel. When I was overseas at the behest of my country, my sister sold most of my stuff or her friends stole it. Had a lot of #1 issues--Fantastic Four, Spiderman, Dr. Strange et al.
Yeah I'm a big gamer. I mostly play xbox 360 now but own most of the old consoles all the way back to the original Atari. I also enjoy board games and usually have a game night once a month with friends.

I'm also a nerd about tv shows. Favorite show is Buffy, but anything Joss whedon does is great too(firefly comes in at a close 2nd). Star trek is great. I grew up when star trek: the next generation was on so thats my favorite. Battlestar galatica is really good too. Walking Dead is also a big fav.

I also enjoy the "old"(aka 80's) horror movies. They were just the right combo of bad(super awesome at the time!) special effects and humour.
Oh, there are a number of things I nerd over.

I've only within the last couple years really started getting into video games, although I have always been really into the Pokemon ones and have all the good ones for Nintendo DS/Gameboy Advanced/Gameboy color (I don't wast money on all the ranger and such ones). I've also got a good chunk of Wii games but I just love the PS3. Got it last year for Christmas along with a copy of Skyrim and now I'm hooked, been getting into the Batman Arkham Asylum/Arkham City and Assasin's Creed games, going to get Uncharted, Mass Effect and Infamous next.

I am a MAJOR movie buff as well, I have 6 foot bookshelves full of DVDs, I just love movies, my recent obsession being The Dark Knight trilogy.

Anime is another big one, there are so many fantastic series out there in animated format and some anime series are great.

Books, I am super into books as well, I will read just about anything as long as it isn't super sappy romance.
I'm also a nerd about tv shows. Favorite show is Buffy, but anything Joss whedon does is great too(firefly comes in at a close 2nd).
Have you seen Dr. Horrible? Please tell me you've seen Dr. Horrible.
Kipcha wrote:
I've only within the last couple years really started getting into video games, although I have always been really into the Pokemon ones and have all the good ones for Nintendo DS/Gameboy Advanced/Gameboy color (I don't wast money on all the ranger and such ones). I've also got a good chunk of Wii games but I just love the PS3. Got it last year for Christmas along with a copy of Skyrim and now I'm hooked, been getting into the Batman Arkham Asylum/Arkham City and Assasin's Creed games, going to get Uncharted, Mass Effect and Infamous next.
I think we would get along, like REALLY REALLY WELL. I LOVED Skyrim. I LOVE Arkham Asylum (trying so hard to finish it so I can play Arkham City but I'm SOOOOOOOOO BUSY) and Assassin's Creed III looks painfully cool, I'm borrowing it from a friend when things settle down and he's done with it. Oh my gosh. This thread is making my heart pump. I get so excited when I can talk about video games! :biggrin: You have no idea how horrible it is to live in Farm Town, Kansas. :( The internet is my only sanctuary.
littl3red wrote:
I'm also a nerd about tv shows. Favorite show is Buffy, but anything Joss whedon does is great too(firefly comes in at a close 2nd).
Have you seen Dr. Horrible? Please tell me you've seen Dr. Horrible.
But of course, so good!
I can't get over it! :D Boyfriend and I like to sing harmony to My Eyes... even though he's a horrible singer. It's still awesome. :love:
COMICS!! DC all the way! Which ones are you following

Sci-Fi big time.

Doctor Who makes me happy inside.
qtipthebun wrote:
I like comic books with strong female characters (Batwoman, anyone?).

Love the current Batwoman.
Batman: The Dark Knight is about it at the moment... I just got the Joker graphic novel and WOW is it twisted. I really miss the classy Joker... I mean, Heath Ledger did a great job as the Joker, but I miss the slick hair and well-pressed suit. They're two different types of creepy. What's your opinion on The New 52?
Aagh, so excited that there's other geek girls on here! Ali, I can't believe you read Batwoman!! That makes me super happy!

*Goes to snuggle on the couch with Tippy and play Skyrim*
littl3red wrote:
Oh gosh yes. I love Star Trek. (But only the original series... Kirk was such a hottie.) Star Wars is awesome too. I have a stuffed ewok. Someday when I have money to spend on a stormtrooper suit, I'm going to buy a stormtrooper suit. I'm going to wear it to the mall and stuff. I'll have pictures taken of me and NOBODY WILL KNOW IT'S ME. Kinda like how people take pictures of my truck all the time because it says "Zombie Outbreak Response Vehicle" on the tailgate. I have my friends text me all the time saying "lol, someone just sent me a picture of your truck like DUDE THIS IS AWESOME and I'm like LOL THAT'S MY FRIEND ASHTIN." This has happened multiple times. My truck is a celebrity here.
Big Clone Trooper fan myself. You can't go wrong in stormtrooper gear, you just really can't. Have you checked out the 501st Legion? And cosplay cons. I hear there are some good ones up in Kansas.

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