Chronicles of Cookie

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Aug 2, 2011
Reaction score
NA, , Singapore
Hello all ..

I am a new rabbit owner and Cookie is my 10 weeks old ND.

I will be posting his developments and my queries here as I do not want to clog up the board.. Hope you will visit often and share this joy with me.. And give me guidance too :)
I noticed that cookie is becoming a brat.. Every time when I had to force move him or pick him up, poop appears.. If I do not stop, he gives the ultimate. Urine ! Happened 3 days.. I wonder how rabbits know to behave like this.. I am trying to train him not to.. Every time he does this, I send him back to the cage with the tissue wipe of his urine in the litter box... Folks this is the right way to educate him right?
We also try to put litter boxes in places where they frequent. Neutering will cut down on "marking" issues too. Rabbits are very smart and easy to train, although, I feel that a lot of their efforts are geared more towards training us.
What is milk biscuit? If it has sugar in it, it's probably not a good idea to let him eat it. Not all rabbits like to eat carrots. I found it strange at first too when one of my rabbits refused a piece of carrot i put in front of him. Were taught from a young age that rabbits love carrots lol, but apparently not all of them do. Carrots should only be given as a treat anyhow, same with any sweet veg and especially fruit as they're high in sugar. He's not weird though, just try other things but remember that if it's sweet then it should be given sparingly and only as an occasional treat. When in doubt, ask around for an opinion from experienced bunny owners because you can't be too careful with what you feed them, as their digestive system is quite sensitive. Then again i suffer from anxiety so im always worried about something lol. >.< He will need lots of hay (timothy, oaten, meadow), pellets and water. ^.^
Being a new rabbit owner myself I don't know if you should take anything I say to heart, but my rabbit seems to dislike a number of treats but absolutely loves his greens. So in addition to a little spring mix that he gets each day I also give him romane or more spring mix as a treat when training or bonding with him- he absolutely adores it and it gets his attention straight away.
He doesn't like carrots bananas or biscuits. He only likes hay and pellets. I have two kinds of pellets. One is fibre one is protein and he prefers the protein. I know cause he always dig out the protein ones first ..
He also has a bad attitiude. :( when ever we carry him, he starts to poop and then urinate. In order to litter train him, when he does that, I will say no firmly and get him to his litter tray and end his roaming session. However I doubt he cares lol .. 10 weeks old cookie is naughty. Any advice from the pros here?
I NEED HELP cookie is biting the cage door for an hour a time a few times a day. He also bites and probably eats his natural wood logs shelter ..

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