Buttons Story.

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Active Member
Feb 26, 2007
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Jacksonville, North Carolina, USA
Well first of all my name is Amber, I am a stay at home wife mostly due to health issues.I was pretty lonely everyday until my husband comes home from work, I started researchingbunnies for some reason... and learned allot about them.

On mybunny information search I found out so much about bunnies I never knew. Bunnies are wonderful! I never knew how much personality they have! :D When I learned enough about bunnies and decidedone would be a great companion for a lonely stay at home wife who needed a friend to talk to at all hours of the day, I talked to my husband about it and he supported me 100% :D

I started looking fora cage and realized there was none out there actually what I wanted so I decided to build my own cage, so I did and I really like the way it turned out:D


At this point I am still in the process of getting everything I need for a bunny and looking up bunnies that need to be rescued daily. I love all the bunnies I see, of course,because they are all so precious!

I happen to come across the page of this one bunny who needed a home, on his adoptionpage the place that had him did not say much about him, way less than what most people describe in bunny ads.

This was his adoption page:


I did not care that there was not much said about him, for some reason I felt a very special bond with him and fell in love with himeven though I never met him in real life and did not know much about him. I felt the love already!

How could you not fall in love with this picture?


The only problem was I did not have all my bunny stuff yet, and Buttons was being fostered in a different state than mine :(

At the time my husband was not to happy with having to go to another state to get Buttons even though we both wanted him badly. I stared at his picture every day for a week to the point of crying because I knew I was in love with him but would probably not be able to adopt him because he lives hours away from me:(

I asked Buttons foster mom if there was anyway they could meet us halfway or something, but she told me needed to make a adoption application before she could even discuss it.So I made one and I waited about a week nervous on if I would get accepted or not. When my husband called me and told me we were accepted I SQUEALED with happiness! But I still had the question if they were going to help with the driving distance.... My husband told me they were not going to help with the driving but he said he would drive all the way to get Buttons for us! (My husband is the sweetest guy ever!):D We set the time to go up there 2 weeks later because we were still waiting on some stuff we ordered to come in and when he had the time to drive up there.... So now I have to wait 2 agonizing weeks to get my baby!

2 weeks later my husband and his dad went to pick up Buttons, his dad went along to help with the drive (that is so nice of him!) My husband asked me if I wanted to stay home while he went to get him because he was not planning on making many stops for food or bathroom breaks on the way there, so I said sure because I needed to get some sleep anyway... (and if I slept Buttons would come to me faster, lol) ;)

They left at around 4am and by that night buttons came to me! It was so wonderful to finally see him in person! I stayed up with him hours that night and it was already late, but by the time I was in bed he had already flopped down to nap happily, (I was told I was very lucky he took to us so well and fast)

Tomorrow on Saturday it will be 2 weeks since he has been mine and my husbands baby. :D Me and my husband love him so much and we spoil him hehe. He just got neutered a couple days ago so hes been a fussy bunny but I can tell he is recovering :)Buttons turned out to be the sweetest bunny I have ever seen or read about, I can't believe how sweet he is! :D I don't know what I would do without him and my husband feels the same way I do, he is our sweet little baby :D:rabbithop

I love taking videos of him and I have 2 videos compilations I have made of him so far, they are very cute, with cute music to themand I hope you will watch them and tell buttons what you think of his moves!

Here are the links to the videos, I hope you like!!



enjoy!! :D:headflick:
What a wonderful story!! Bunnies can be a great cure for feeling lonely :)Your videos are great. The one with him zooming in and out of the picture made me laugh! He's adorable and seems like a real sweetie! You're going to have a great time:)This forum is a great place to learn things.
What a lovely story, you seem like a great bunny slave!!:D

Buttons is just adorable, I loved the vids!:bunnydance:
Amberry wrote:
Michaela wrote:
What alovely story, you seem like a great bunny slave!!:D

Buttons is just adorable, I loved the vids!:bunnydance:

:sweepYeah haha buttons has me and my husband whipped! :inlove::juggle
Mine too!! But it's so worth it:D

So...how about a little girlfriend for Buttons someday;)

My BF (of 7 years) got me my bunny after we thought that I was healed from an ankle injury. Unfortunately I had to get 2 more surgeries, but I got my tinkle bunny to keep me company, and make me feel good. You will see that having a bunny in your life will make you so happy. As another "stay at home wife" I can tell you that once your bunny bonds with you, it feels so good to have them as your little buddy. Good luck with your cute Buttons. (I am almost tempted to make a bad pun about him being cute as a button, but fortunately I am controlling myself) :DWelcome to the forum, the people here are great.

I have to admit I am a little jealous that buttons likes my husband more than me, but I think it is because he does not get to see Anthony as much (Anthony = my husband) I mean we both feed him and pet him and play with him the same but he still likes Anthony better =/ I love Buttons so much though. I still have yet to pick him up because I am afraid it will offend him lol =P
Wow, Buttons is adorable. Hemade me dizzy watching when he was running. I can't believe how fast bunnies can run when they want too.

I look forward to many more pictures of you little beauty.

Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart
SOOOSKA wrote:
Wow, Buttons is adorable. He made medizzy watching when he was running. I can't believe how fastbunnies can run when they want too.

I look forward to many more pictures of you little beauty.

Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart

Awww thank you :D


here is one I will take more soon, it is hard getting good pics with my crappy cam =(
Yes more would be nice. I am in love with how much you wanted this little one. We need lots more bunny slaves like you.

Aliciaand The Zoo Crew! (2007)Ringo


Awwww alittle hen, looks like hes sitting on eggs :D cadbury bunny!


sorry if his eyes look alittle funny on any of the pics, i have to photoshop out the red eyes that my camera gives him =P
Want red eye...go look at my blog. No photoshop here. Click my name and it will take you there.

Aliciaand The Zoo Crew! (2007)Ringo


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