bunny RPG!!!!

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Fidget stared at this poor rabbit. He understood how she must befeeling. He always followed Ebony around and admired her and to bebetrayed by her...
they were both in the same boat really. At least now he didnt feel so lost and alone.
Suddenly they both felt an unmistakable "thump." then another one. "Thump" and another one. "thump."
"That was Lenci!" Izsy cried.
"the other was Ebony!"
And that last one must of been Pipkin. he thought.

"Come on! They need our help!" He said quickley.
And with that Iszy and Fidget took off following the sounds of the thumps.
"im coming sis'!" Isz yelled!
Lissa wrote:
Name: Valencia "Lenci"

Age: 2 years

Breed: Jersey Wooly

Lenci is very loving, but very bossy. She likes things herway all the time. She hates her sister Iszy. Theycurse back and forth at each other all day long. Lenci is aretired show bunny and is also very sensitive about her weightgain. She loves lounging under the kitchen table and eatingbananas.

Oh yeah, Lenci is known to throw terrible tantrums. :)

lol :)

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