Bunny loosing weight

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Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Ryde, Isle of Wight, , United Kingdom
Hi I am very worried about my beautiful grey lionhead doe. About six months ago I bought 2 lionhead does - sisters, they will be one in June. Squirrel (grey) has always been the more adventurous, braver bunny but I think Blackberry (black) is more dominant (Squirrel has always groomed Blackberry).

About ten days ago I noticed that Squirrel had lost her "hovercraft skirt" and was looking a bit thinner, also her coat was not smooth and glossy but kind of "starrey". They have not been outside for the last couple of days as we have had snow here and I was worried that they would get a chill. When I fed them yesterday I noticed that there was a small amount of grey fur in the cage and that blackberry seemed to be chasing Squirrel alot. I don't think she's moulting because it's quite cold here at the moment. When I put them in their run today Blackberry would not leave Squirrel alone and Squirrel is avoiding her and lying almost flat to the ground hoping that Blackberry won't see her.

I bought two bunnies because I thought that they liked company, not two bucks because I had been told they would fight, not one of each because I didn't want babies so I settled for sisters. Should I seperate them? Should I have them spayed (if that's the correct term?). Any advise welcome. Oh I have checked Squirrels teeth incase it's an eating problem but they seem to be fine (well same as Blackberry's anyway) and they eat everything I give them (they always have a little hay left at the end of the day). Please help. What should I do?:(

I have just inspected Squirrel more closely and she is covered in scratches, some bloody. I have segregated the suspect into a cat basket for the night until we can buy another hutch tomorrow. Just incase it's not Blackberry, do rabbits get any sort of skin condition or mites? I have watched her for the last 40 mins or so and she is not scratching or shaking herself which I would expect with some sort of skin complaint. Any thoughts? My local vet has been amazing and said if we bring the bunnies in they will just check their sexes for free!! How is that for service?!

Yes, separate them! If you want them to live together, get them spayed and try rebonding them. Bonding them is not a sure thing, though. It is not uncommon for girls to fight- they are actually very territorial, especially when they are intact.

Rabbits do get skin problems from mites, but they look more like dandruff or patchy fur loss, definately not like scratches or torn fur.

Keep a close eye on Squirrel. Scratches and bites can become infected. It would probably be a good idea to have her wounds checked out just in case.
Thanks I will buy a new hutch tomorrow and will get her to my vet to have her checked. I have cleaned and disinfected her hutch today (part of the 5 day ritual) so she is nice and snug now for the night. I bought her inside for a while and she does not seem too worse for wear she was hopping around the dining room bold as brass. We had lots of cuddles and she seems quite happy to be on her own without Blackberry, it must be such a relief for her, lets hope she gets a good night's sleep.
Hi thanks for asking. Sorry I haven't replied sooner but I've been at children's parties all weekend and then working!! She seems to be fine, her hair is growing back and her wounds are healing. She even gave me a hard nip tonight to say she did not like having her fur brushed the wrong way when I was inspecting her back! Naughty bunny! I think she is going to be ok as long as I keep her safe and snug until she is fully recovered then I think I will have both bunnies spayed. Does anyone have any comments on this thought?
I think spaying them both is a great idea. In fact, you should do it if they aren't meant for breeding. It will solve most behavior problems and agression as well as eliminate the risk of developing uterine cancer. Try bonding them about a month after having them both spayed.
Excellent, thanks for the advice. I was hoping to reintroduce them to each other once they have recovered from their ops. I think I will wait until the weather warms up a bit here, I don't know exactly what the operation entails but I guess that they will have to be shaved and stitched and will need lots of TLC afterwards!

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