Bunny Language

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Apr 12, 2013
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So I'm interested in being able to read the signs of my first Rabbit.
I've been researching what some behaviors mean, but would love to be able to understand it's signals better.

The basic's in bunny language would be amazing (and I scanned a few pages and couldn't find any other threads with a language compilation so if you know of one already here, please link me to it!

Nose twitching
Digging at the couch/ground/your leg
Running into you/bumping you
Tipping glasses over, or pushing your hand out of the way when you're trying to do something near it. (like type!)
The trouble with bunny behaviour is that the same action can mean two different things, but there's little subtleties to them. For example, if Bandit nudges or pushes at my hand, it either means that he wants to be petted, or that he wants me out of the way. Usually the "you need to move" nudge is more forceful than the "pet me" nudge.

Tipping glasses over may be your bun trying to get your attention, especially if you're preoccupied. The nose twitching happens pretty much always unless they're sleeping or very relaxed, but I believe that's mostly about being curious and getting a better sniff of things.

Digging can also mean different things, it may just be that your bun likes digging and needs an outlet. Sometimes, if I'm holding Bandit on my lap and am stopping him from getting down, he'll start digging at my leg because he wants to get down.

It takes a while to get the hang of rabbit behaviour, but when you spend more time with them and as you get to know your rabbit's personality it does become easier.
Here you go.


There's a lot of great info, but there are some things that it doesn't cover completely. The more time you spend with your rabbit and see certain behaviors, the more you'll be able to deduce what exactly that little furball is trying to say :) Like azerane said, one behavior can mean more than one thing. Trying to dig can mean, I want to move this, I want you to move this, I want to get through/under this, I'm going to rearrange this to just the way I like it, I want your attention, I need to pee. Just like thumping doesn't always mean they are scared or nervous, a particular bunny behavior can have many meanings.
You lot are fabulous! Thank you! I'm hoping to spend more time just observing Professor Pumpkin for now. It's hard when everyone wants to cuddle it haha. So far we have a safe space for it to hide in which is it's bedtime cage. It knows it can go in there and not be removed unless it wants to leave- so that's good. I'm very strict with my household about that rule.

Looking forward to learning more about what it's trying to say, cause so far it's being quite the prat. Haha.
I think it thinks I'm scum... -_-

Though from the readings I did, its eternally curious- which is nice.

Thanks again.
Are you getting the bunny butt? I think most of us rabbit owners get thumped at, foot flicked, the cold shoulder, and the bunny butt quite often. Any time I have to do something that my little buns don't like, such as nail trims, picking up, giving meds, or ending playtime, they tend to get very upset with me, and aren't afraid to show it. Little snots! Haha, good thing I love them :) And I'm pretty sure they like me, as they still beg me for their head rubs morning and night, and even give me a few bunny kisses every now and then. Just give a few head rubs and treats, and usually everything is forgiven :)

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