Bunny Kidney Failure

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Nov 21, 2013
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
I think that my Holland Lop's kidneys are failing or have failed. He is draining his water dish daily now and urinating very frequently. He was treated for E. Cuniculi early in his life but I think it may be back since his cataract is growing again and the kidney issue is at hand.

My vet recently retired so I haven't been able to take him in for a bit. I need to find another vet and get him in but does anybody have advice or have experienced this kind of progression in their rabbits?
On a side note I have not detected any behavioral changes in the bun. He seems to be eating just as much as he used to and still is an anti-social drama queen. He doesn't appear to have any pain from this either since his activity level is unchanged.

Currently his diet consists of unlimited timothy hay with a measured amount of timothy complete pellets. Every now and again I get him some fresh veggies (mostly cilantro, kale, dandelion greens and flowers... etc) to keep things interesting for him.
So I took my bunny in and indeed the EC becoming active again. Apparently it is now affecting his left side neurologically as well as his eye and kidneys. He was prescribed Panacur and Metacam.

Just going to have to keep an eye out for him and see if things improve.
I'm glad you were able to get him looked at. Hopefully the meds will help and he'll show some improvement soon.