Bunny help! Itchy red ears !!

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Feb 2, 2014
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Hi guys new bunny owner here . Ok first of all i live in south america Brazil to be exact. Moving to the us in three months. I have a four month old lop and hes a male and i call him bunny ( how original ) lol . i have read tons of things that really i am lost right now. I went to an exotics specialist and got bunny checked out gave him an ivermectin shot and told me if any crusts appear to dab vaseline on them . He told me he had mange/mites and bunny only itches his outer lobe part of his ear the inside of his ears are clean. I brought him last wensday. He was fine until about yesterday . And his itchyness came back and the redness came back. I probably will be bringing him back for another check up cause i am a worried mommy. The vet said he probably would need more ivermectine shots to cut the itch. I am worried sick. I heard about revolution .. Can any one explain if that could be an option. And if anyone has ideias on what to do about the itch to ease it a bit until thursday. I am so worried about my baby :( !!! Thanks guys!
The revolution (selamectin) is similar to ivermectin, but is applied topically. Either option should work for most of your rabbit ectoparasites, but I'm not sure what's available in your country. If he showed some improvement after the ivermectin and just got worse again now, it may be that the ivermectin is only affecting part of the parasite's lifecycle and it's simply time for another dose. You may also need to treat the environment if you're dealing with a parasite that can live off its hose (vacuum carpet, wash and dry any bedding, etc.)
The revolution (selamectin) is similar to ivermectin, but is applied topically. Either option should work for most of your rabbit ectoparasites, but I'm not sure what's available in your country. If he showed some improvement after the ivermectin and just got worse again now, it may be that the ivermectin is only affecting part of the parasite's lifecycle and it's simply time for another dose. You may also need to treat the environment if you're dealing with a parasite that can live off its hose (vacuum carpet, wash and dry any bedding, etc.)

All pets need to be cared for . From bunnies to sugargliders take care of them ! Do not get an animal that you will give up after a year .
Ah thanks !!! Im going o check out whats availabe here. I know we have revolution here but i know its used for the controle of fleas and tics . And i dont know if its a topical or oral medication ill have to check that out.

All pets need to be cared for . From bunnies to sugargliders take care of them ! Do not get an animal that you will give up after a year .
All pets need to be cared for . From bunnies to sugargliders take care of them ! Do not get an animal that you will give up after a year .

Was that meant to be in response to my post? Nothing suggested not caring for your pet (unless you consider your rabbit's potential parasites as a pet?)
No sorry thats my signature lol

All pets need to be cared for . From bunnies to sugargliders take care of them ! Do not get an animal that you will give up after a year .

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