Bunny Diet

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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2010
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HRM, Nova Scotia, Canada
Does anyone feed there bunny romaine lettuce. I have heard that it is good in small quantities and then I have also heard it is really bad, because it causes very soft stool. I am going to try him on green leaf lettuce again.

I am feeding him (basically I grab a hand full out of a bag and this is what is in the bag) :
Kale (afraid it will cause urine sludge)
Carrot tops

Little bit of carrot

He is a very picky bunny. I have fed him radicchio, but he no longer likes it, same with endive, red leaf lettuce and some other stuff I can't think of.

Also I have a list of food that I can feed him, so I don't need another one.

Okay, so I have kinda made this into a ramble:p, but my question is:
Romaine GOOD or BAD?
Romaine lettuce is good for rabbit. With lettuces, the darker the leaves the better. Iceberg is the one that is not really good for rabbits as it is mostly water with few nutrients.
I have been feeding romaine lettuce for years as a main part of the veggies I give and none of my rabbits have had any issues with it. They usually get about 2 large leaves each time.
I feed mine romaine. I feed the red leaf and have for years, my buns love it. But their fav is cilantro. It sounds like your bun gets a good variety.
Here's a video about vegetables and nutrition for rabbits:


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