Bunny Chrsitmas Wish List

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2010
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, , United Kingdom
do you know what you want for chwistmas yet?

i want to have a new hay holder. cos i lost my old one =(

i also want some tweats like milk dwops and some fruity tweats too!

what do you want for chwistmas?


Barney :bunny22:
me and hartley iz asking for carrots. dis our favourite treat and we iz not getting enough. our hoomin says dey is bad for us if we has lots. if we is not getting carrots we iz going to nibble her new sewing machine.:nasty:
i would like bunny treats like milk drops :coolness:
but i really want a new hay holder, i want it in a ball so i can play wiv it:p
I hope i get treats as an advent calender again!
(i dont really have an advent calender, but sparney opens a packet of treats to have 1 a day for advent =p
i wuv it sssssssooooooo much!
I want only a few thing the first is a big big place to stretch out my legs play all day and run around at night. The second is that plastic ball that makes funny noises when it moves he he!
And lots of tweats but Pooja says i shouldn't have too many but a big bowl of apples and bananas would do
Iz weally want a wuumy parsley pwantt. Moomy said she gooona pwant on cwistmas soez i can hase me own parsley pwant!
I want peace and quiet. Am I likely to get it? *sigh*

Plus, unlimited bananas, coconut ice, fudge, caramel slice, etc.
Its my first Christmas so I don't know what to ask for, I'm really nervous, could you give me some idea's? Mummy said that if Im wrealy good Santa might come. So I have to be on my BESTEST behavior.
first christmas? exciting!
i usually get a packet of treats, and something nice for my hutch/run! :D :D
I also want a very very big run around time! Moomy siad that she might let me play under the christmas tree! This is my first christmas with this moomy, before i was abused and unloved.
I love my new mooomy soooooooo much more though!!!!
Hey Pemmy, us too, Houdini and Cinerella. Dis is our first Christmas out of da joint (rescue). Now dat we haz our own famawee we is hopen for treats. Momma put stockings up and we can smell yummiess, but can't get there!

Last year Becky's Christmas present was getting sprung from da scarry jail (SPCA), she came home right before da big day. She says it's super special and lots of extra noms!

Dis will be Ghirardelli's first Christmas ever! He's a youngin but he haz all kinds of ideas. He claims he was spying on momma at dat compuuter one night and saw her owder a "stroller" big enough for all four of us to go out! Apparently we will go to "parks" to walk. I think he's been having too much cilantro again and it went to his brain.

Ooh! Isn't the big place filled with wabbits horrible! I was a good girl and moomy said that I get lots of treats on Christmas! Moomy siad that I was abused because no one loved me but now every body loves me! And the moomy of my moomy secretly come down to give me treats! I weally want a wonderful home and Is got it!

Pemmy, dat iz fantastic yous have such a good place now! Itz fun to beg for tweats and pwetend to be starvin so more dan one huuman gibs us tweats. I hear mommy tell daddy not to fall for it, we were fed, but it works once in a while!

Things werent too bad for me. I was bornd in a rescue. Appawently my birf mother was taken from a "hoarder" and was alweady pregnant. I was in a foster home wifs my brovers and sisters so it wasn't too bad, but this is better! Now I can grow my lovely fur long since mommy brushes it rather than getting it cut off.

Cinderella was an Easter bunny that got dumped when her silly human thought it wasnt fun no more. She was in a rescue for 4 whole years! It was so scarry she shibers when she talks about it. So many bunnies in cages and strangers tromping around all da time. De kept her fed and clean, but deir was no snuggles or carrots or tv time. So scarry.

Ghirardelli came from a breeder. Things seemed ok until he was 5 months old. De wents to a show far from home. He didnt understands why he was so cheap compared to his siblings. Den he heard about a thing called a "diswualification" and because of dat he was goin to get "culled" if no ones bought him. He didn't know what it meaned but he made sure to be extra sweet and cute when mommmy picked him up. She said she couldn't let that happen and took hims home.

Becky had it the worstest before though. She lived wif mean mean people who locked her in a small cage where she couldnt hop or perriscope or play. De didnt clean it or feed her much. She wont tell us exaactwy what happened but one day a meenie hits her in da head. She has bwain damage from it. It makes her head a wittle tilty and she cant feewl part of her face, a wittle hard to see and hear from dat side too. But nows she is so happy! She learned how to hop and perriscope and loves to throw things! Even better yet is oates on her bweckfast EVERY morning! Best of all is no more cage! We all gets lots of hugs and kisses and tv time wif mommmy and daddy. Sometimes I fink she might be da favorites tho cuz she getz more snuggle time in bed wif just mommy.

I finks de howiday is so much more wonderful since we know what it coulds be like. Life is very grand for our wittle warren now. :biggrin2:


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