Bunny Bio-fuel

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this is something I shared as well on facebook...it's heartbreaking that the overpopulation is so bad :(
The population shouldn't exist there in the first place.
Disgusting. They need to find a way to stop the over population, not let it keep happening, then kill the victims.
I don't understand how you people can think in the slightest that what they're doing is wrong.

These are pest animals, they're wild and are in an ecosystem they are not native to. They aren't going in to people's houses and killing their pets.
What they are doing is attempting to control and eliminate an invasive wild foreign species.

Take a look at the other options:
1. The government completely ignores the situation, while the population continues to grow, killing native flora and closing the gap on survival for the native fauna.

2. The government could spend billions of dollars, bankrupting them and destroying the economy, to start a group to neuter and spay the population and then release them back in to the wild.

3. The government could introduce a highly virulent disease that would neuter all the male rabbits that came in contact with it. Now of course everyone goes "oh wow, perfect, it doesn't kill them but it stops them from reproducing'. But we've seen what happens in those situations. Myxomatosis in Australia.

4. The government could continue culling the population but instead let the animals bodies rot in a landfill, contributing further to global warming and not giving anything back.

5. They could do what they're doing right now, it is the best possible outcome.

Honestly it's nice and all to say it's disgusting what they're doing but you have no real solutions of your own.
Saudade wrote:
I don't understand how you people can think in the slightest that what they're doing is wrong.

:foreheadsmack:This isn't exactly the kind of thing people are going to be super accepting of on a pet forum. You had to have known that posting this was going to cause people to have a negative reaction.

While it may be necessary for the government to go to these lengths, it's still not pleasant to think about. I don't see how you can honestly be shocked that people here are disgusted by it.

mardigraskisses wrote:
Saudade wrote:
I don't understand how you people can think in the slightest that what they're doing is wrong.

:foreheadsmack:This isn't exactly the kind of thing people are going to be super accepting of on a pet forum. You had to have known that posting this was going to cause people to have a negative reaction.

While it may be necessary for the government to go to these lengths, it's still not pleasant to think about. I don't see how you can honestly be shocked that people here are disgusted by it.
My problem is they demand something else to be done, but they can not think of a feasible action to undertake.

Disgusting. They need to find a way to stop the over population, not let it keep happening, then kill the victims.
I posted it here with both an aspect of news as an important thing and also because I feel not many people realise the responsibility they have as an owner of a pet. Governments around the world are having to spend money to fix situations caused by careless owners.
Saudade wrot
I posted it here with both an aspect of news as an important thing and also because I feel not many people realise the responsibility they have as an owner of a pet.
You should probably be posting this on FB/myspace/blog/or something....if you think it is a great story, because many rabbit owners here are pretty responsible about their rabbits (or they might not be here).

So, thiis thread probably wasn't the best on a rabbit forum. You should have known that many threads like this one about ending the lives of rabbits for food/earth/whatever....will not flow over well.

So, I'd quit defending the news story over and over again because many people on here will not agree that this is right.
undergunfire wrote:
Disgusting. They need to find a way to stop the over population, not let it keep happening, then kill the victims.


Amy put my feelings into words very well.

I think if we figured out a way to turn bunny poop and urine-soaked litter into fuel, that could be a humane, good way to produce some energy. Actually, bunny poop makes such good fertilizer that they may be a really good resource for that. They make enough of it, too!
I saw this yesterday.
i agree with dave...
but i thik they should stop the over popultion sooner rather than later.
I've been holding onto my bunny poops to refuel the nutrients in my gardens... little boogers produce so much that I should start going around the neighbourhood selling it.

I will be strting a compost pile soon,.. my dad got a new fireplace insert, and I've being dying to bring up some woodpellets laced with poops, just to see how efficiently it will burn.

People have burnt poop for eons... rather than flesh as fuel, I think my rabbit probably produces about 1/4-1/3 of his own weight in poop daily. Talk about an awesome renewable resource!

Perhaps we should start bunny poop factories for production purposes... feed them all the vegetables that are wasted at department stores, and burn the poop!

I know (woo-hoo 6th grade field trips) that they can burn the "sludge" from the wastewater treatment plant to power said treatment plant in my small home town. Thus, burning poo might be a good solution, if you can figure out how to deal with the smell! :yuck It still doesn't solve the carbon problem though--burning stuff releases a lot of CO2, CO into the atmosphere.
This is definitely not a topic for a pet rabbit forum. To reiterate what has been said, posting this story was only going to cause strong responses and upset people.
I dont think its a bad thing honestly.

I love my rabbits and i love rabbits in general HOWEVER as they're an introduced species (same with Australia) they lack natural predetors and often ruin the natural environment. They are a pest.

So if they cull rabbits yearsly regardless, using them as biofuel only makes it easier to dispose of the bodies.

A state in Australia bans rabbits as pets because of the issues we're having with rabbit populations, its a $30,000AUD fine!

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