Bunny ate some cat litter...

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Active Member
Sep 8, 2022
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This morning I let my 6-month-old bunny explore a new area of the house and totally forgot to shut the door to the bathroom where the cats' litter box is. (No worries, the cats were safely quarantined from the bun!) I spied her in the box and took her out, but not before she took a few nibbles. The litter is a blend of crushed corn and casava. No changes in behavior, activity, or appetite for the past 8 hours -- do you think I have anything to worry about? Thanks!
I would suggest keeping a close eye out for reduced appetite, smaller poops(or none), and any odd changes of behavior like unusual lethargy, hiding and sitting hunched up not wanting to move, or frequently shifting position and seeming restless. If your rabbit eats grass hay really well, it's also good to encourage eating more of that, as the fiber helps with digestive function and motility.

If your rabbit stops eating, isn't eating much, stops pooping, or shows other signs of being unwell, it's important to get your rabbit seen right away by a knowledgeable rabbit vet. Rabbits not eating(or eating much) for more than 12-24 hours, or showing signs of bloat or diarrhea(fecal balls are all mushy, not just mushy cecotropes), is an emergency.


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