Bunnies, Parrots and Sleep

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Active Member
Nov 5, 2008
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Raynahm, Massachusetts, USA
I was just wondering if anyone has experience with their bunnies sleeping with their parrots! Now now....be nice. I have a bird-room and would like our bun to stay in there at night but am concerned about her level of activity that would frighten the birds and cause frights etc. She (Penny) is in the birdroom during the day but moves out to the livingroom for her nighttime activities and sleep. I'd like to reduce the amount of moving about and hay strewn about etc. etc. Just curious if anyone has an observations/advice. Thanks!
I have a parrot and would not leave the rabbit in the bird room unless one or both of them is caged. If the parrot is very used to the noise of the rabbit then it's possible that it would be OK.
I have a parrot in a cage in a room with 2 rabbits in a huge x=pen. My bedroom is off this room. I give the rabbits carboard boxes which are huge and they spend most nights ripping carboard, digging in cardboard and dragging the boxes around.

My parrot is covered at night . Since this is the same noise that he is used to 24/7 it does not bother him at all. But he has needed alot of days uncovered watching them to become used to all this racket.
I wear ear protectors (made for contractors) to filter out all this sound so I can sleep at night.

if I made a sound that is unfamilar to my parrot while he is covered he will go into a panic in his cage and I have to uncover him and talk him down.

If I allowed it my parrot would be in walking around with the rabbits as he loves them. But this is a bad idea because he could hurt them and they could definitely hurt him.
it is not good practice at all to allow rabbits exposure to bird droppings as birds carry coccidia although I don't know if it is the same bacteria as coccidia in rabbits.

Whatever.... it has to be a slow gradual changeover and I doubt if it would work at all if you just did it immediately. the bird would freak at night.
thanks. All of my animals are caged, and get out time as much as I can possibly allow. Like I said, the bun is in the birdroom all day long and I don't think she makes much noise at night but I sleep on the second floor so I don't know that I'd hear her anyway. The birds are all covered at night too, and so is the bun for that matter. I'll have to try it on a Friday night and see how it goes. A baby monitor would probably help! :)
I have a 7 yr old African grey named Neil

I never talk about him on the forum but he is the love of my life. He is as smart as a 3yr old and can say all the rabbits names, calls me by name and is the most wondeerful creature you coulde ever imagine

he even has an emotional response to music; I have taught him to dance

Right now I am teaching him to say
You totally rock"
it takes him 3 days to learn a phrase and most of what he picks up is just by hearing it. He mimics me and my husband talking .
What kind of birds do you have?
I have heard on another forum of a bunny that was thumping in the night, which scared the bird and made it fly into the side of the cage and hurt its feathers. The person eventually rehomed the bunny. It's something to be think about, at the least.
angieluv wrote:
I have a 7 yr old African grey named Neil

I never talk about him on the forum but he is the love of my life. He is as smart as a 3yr old and can say all the rabbits names, calls me by name and is the most wondeerful creature you coulde ever imagine

he even has an emotional response to music; I have taught him to dance

Right now I am teaching him to say
You totally rock"
it takes him 3 days to learn a phrase and most of what he picks up is just by hearing it. He mimics me and my husband talking .
What kind of birds do you have?

Watch out I'm stealing your bird!!!

lol jk. i love parrots and want one badly!! especially to teach it to talk!
An African grey can do mechanical sounds like phone ringing, doorbell , squeaky door, opening a can ,
he can do sounds that you don't even want like belching and passing gas.

they are brilliant birds.; I have so much fun with him.

he talks to the rabbits in
"My" voice "

Right now I hear him telling Gloria how much he loves her (in my voice)


LOl he's beautiful, i have wanted an african grey for a while now,i have a budgie named busters who imitates the phone ringing, he's so good he fooled me a couple of times!
I have a blue indian ringneck, 2 tiels, and 2 budgies. They are my sanity along with Penny. Funny...I just started reading "Alex & Me" today. It's the story of Irene Pepperberg and her grey Alex. A good read so far. In 2 chapeter I have cried and laughed already! Birds are amazing creatures and have souls deeper than you can imagine. Penny doesn't thump at all hardly and she's pretty quiet at night. it's something I'll have to try slowly to see if they can all sleep comfortably together. FYI - Parrot Strut is a board a lot like this one, but for parrots. A good place to go to spread your wings!
Aww, Neil is so cute! I read Alex & Me too. He was an amazing birdy. My cockatiels and bunnies all live in the living room and everyone gets enough sleep. When we move, the birds and bunnies are going to have their own bedroom. Angieluv pointed out that birds can have coccidia, but my birdies don't poop out of their cage so I think it's okay. They have a play gym they play on when out of their cage that's out of reach of the bunnies and the birdies have flight suits/diapers so they don't poop on anything when they come out to play!
African Greys are so cool! I would love to have one, but I can't come near to affording one. Mabye when I win the lottery I will buy one, after I get my horse of course. LOL!
Don't Buy, Don't Breed...Adopt! There are so many parrots in rescues and foster care around the country. There are some really good ones: Foster Parrots in MA; TheOasis in Tuscon, AZ and Feathered Friends Forever, Phoenix Landing and of course The Gabriel Foundation in Oregon (?). While they are not close to you, they are all very reputable and can guide you to another reputable rescue organization in your area. Check out Parrot Strut.com
I would adopt of course, but I still couldn't afford one. Right now I couldn't afford the massive cage it would need, let alone the bird! LOL They are my favorite of the parrots though, if I could have one that's what it would be.

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