bunnies in a stroller

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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2010
Reaction score
Paoli, Pennsylvania, USA
Since there was chat earlier about taking the buns out in the stroller I thought I would share photos from our outing. It was a bit windy so we didn't stay at the park too long, but took a few photos and soaked in some sun. People just love to visit with the kids :)








Every now and then we take Serena to Petsmart--we just put a blanket down in a shopping cart. Most people have never seen a bunny that large--18 pound Checkered Giant.
We started off that way, but the kids are now in training to be therapy rabbits. We are going through bunnies in baskets to be certified. It will be easier to take them to nursing homes and schools in the stroller. Plus, it gets me out walking when we go to the park. :)
My guys love going out in their strollers. You actually have the one I've been eye-balling for a while, the double space is pretty cool. I think it's great for getting them outside and in some fresh air.
It's much more sturdy than I was expecting for the price. The only negative I would say is the front wheels can get stuck a little side-ways. A bit of WD40 makes it work better.

I also lined the bottom with a puppy pad folded under the padding just in case of accident. Sometimes we are out and about for several hours so it makes it eaier to clean up any accidents.
They're very cute. I have just one rabbit & also a 4-wheeled cart for groceries that her carrier will fit into. So come spring we're going out with it. I used to to go to the vet a month ago, but that was different.
Love the bunnies in the stroller idea. Good for you. Bunnies get some fresh air and meet people, without being touched, and fresh air, exercise, bragging time with new people for both of you.

Thanks so much for sharing. Looks like all of you had a good time. With Spring coming, more good times for all.

K :)
What a bunch of cuties!!!
Fresh air in a safe environment. They are going to be great Therapy bunnies!
We just ordered this stroller, and we'll be getting our 4 used to it with indoor stroller rides before the spring. Thank you for sharing!
I want a bunny stroller! Although I think a couple of mine would die of heart attacks!

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