BSAVA Books on Rabbit Medicine & Surgery?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2015
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Are the BSAVA books on rabbit medicine and rabbit surgery, dentistry, and imaging recommended? I have Varga's textbook on rabbit medicine, but would like to supplement it with further information (especially on dental disease, radiology, and US drugs). I can't find any previews of the content in the BSAVA books :(
I know of other experienced rabbit owners in the UK that have it, so must have some good info in it. I don't have it though, so can't really say for sure. You might have better luck asking around on a UK rabbit forum, since it is published there.
I know of other experienced rabbit owners in the UK that have it, so must have some good info in it. I don't have it though, so can't really say for sure. You might have better luck asking around on a UK rabbit forum, since it is published there.

Thanks, J. It seems like most of the rabbit literature and medical advancements comes out of the UK... hopefully the US can catch up some day!
I think it's fantastic but then I am in USA

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